啤酒炖牛小排晚餐 - Braised short ribs with beer

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啤酒炖牛小排晚餐 - Braised short ribs with beer


牛小排, 4+LB,
洋葱, 3大个,
胡萝卜, 4根,
芹菜, 一小棵,
蒜, 5-6瓣,
啤酒, 1瓶,
黄芥末粉, 1小勺,
小番茄, 2LB,

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小番茄洗过擦干, 淋橄榄油, 撒盐和胡椒, 进350F烤箱, 烤40分钟, 备用,

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牛小排隔骨切块, 撒上盐和胡椒, 用油每面分两批煎黄, 取出, 备用,

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同锅炒软洋葱, 加胡萝卜, 芹菜, 蒜, 炒软, 倒入啤酒, 黄芥末粉,小番茄, 盐和胡椒, 放回牛小排, 进325F烤箱, 烤2小时, 撇掉油, 盖在意面上吃.

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