10/10/08 - Governor Sarah Palin: a different image

10/10/08 - Governor Sarah Palin: a different image

Why all the mis-statements and vicious lies about Alaska’s Governor Sarah Palin? Why do the major newscasters show polls looking like McCain/Palin are neck and neck with Obama/Biden? Major newscasters use polls based on 700 people polled, or 1,000 people polled and in one case, less than 200 people were polled. There is no way such a small list can reflect a public opinion. I think it is fraudulent to suggest that it can. The day after the Palin-Biden debate, major network polls were showing again, a neck and neck rating, from small polls. But, DrudgeReport.com, with millions of readers ran a poll that over 550,000 readers responded to. The results, in the morning, when only 60,000 people had voted, showed Palin at 70% against Biden’s 28%. That same figure stayed the same all day long, until over 550,000 people had voted: Palin 70% vs Biden 28%. That figure seems a more accurate portrayal of informed people. Especially when you compare it with Governor Palin’s 84% approval rating in her home State. Television, radio talk shows, movies, newspapers, news reporters, our police, courts, teachers, professors and politicians have gone to great lengths to make the American public believe that Constitutional Rights are “just something you see on television”. I think quite a few of the “authorities” actually believe that. Sarah Palin respects and obeys the Constitutions of both Alaska and The United States of America. This is why she is so vilified by the media liars and anti-American politicians. - Source
