我认为,华人家长应该对某些禁制话题稍微开放些。curiosity会导致我们更想知道了解。curiosity killed the cat,有时,好奇不一定会杀死猫,但是会导致盲目的搜索,也可以导致犯下不该犯的错误。毕竟,这年头就是正常网站也都有商家广告,书面上的字眼永远夸大事实。让人误以为真得怎么样。父母应该适当的和孩子讨论,而且给出适当的理由。比如,不应该过早有幸行为,因为人不是动物,有的时候不能一时冲动。作为人类就应该有一个道德底线。那是一个神圣的行为,需要谨慎而行
华人传统是孩子读书好就行,读书好就是好孩子,会琴棋书画就是好孩子。忽略了很多其他的东西。比如人最基本的情感需要。研究证明,人一天要有7个拥抱,才会感到被关心被爱。你又给过你的孩子拥抱吗?你有何你的孩子真正的平等聊天吗?有的时候,少了家里的一种关怀,才会更渴望从其他地方得到。比如说,特别青春期的时候,认为父母不了解腻,没有人了解你,i have nothing to say with you, 和父母自然少了一份感情,同时自己也缺乏一份感情。这时,更容易将这份感情投入到另一个谈得来德异性。共同话题多,互相了解多,一种对感情的渴望导致那种投入。仔细想想,其实并不是无道理。
well i thank you for your support...though um maybe the words were a bit harsh.
yes than thank you for understanding that not all teens are horny lil bastards hehehe (most are though...so i cant rly blame ppl for stereotyping ppl...and hence think i'm either a weirdo, outcast, or complete figure of imagination lolz)
civil 发表评论于
pass_by, I guess for once could you try not to be an ahole? being socially conservative/liberal doesnt imply that she's socially retarded, and not all teenagers are horny little bastards that only want to have sex. It's unfair to judge her, and you have no rights to do so. Besides, denying her credibility doesnt make any of YOU right. It only shows people what a sad little character you are. One thing you are right though, her Chinese IS impressive.
I guess this issue is best taught by the family. After all, your family does teach us the moral values. And she's absolutely right. Love is the most important value of all, it's love that holding our families together. And love is not always equal to lust.
pass_by 发表评论于
Your Chinese is much better than your English. 你的英语一点也不象在英语国家长大的孩子.你的许多说法根本不象这里的TEEN.你要么就是国内长大去NZ留学的,要么就是在当地学校一点不和群的.
but seriously i'm not here to argue...i'm just trying to voice my opinions as a teenager, alas an ABC (which is technically not correct btw, since i'm not american born, i grew up in nz, but since the term is used to describe us, then abc we shall be), and hence hoping to give parents of abcs an alternative, perhaps more insight, view of certain things
1) that's only coz you haven't met anyone like me.
2) i USED to be able to...come on...pre-uni times require no studying...its like i listen in class, and i just remember everything. its called interest. seriously if you love computer games, and someone told you a few hints, you dont need to write them down to remember!
3) i never said i 'jumped' in uni...i skipped one grade in primary school and one grade in grammar school.
zuncong 发表评论于
16 岁谈恋爱还叫早?
fishman9999 发表评论于
Come on! This story is full of "lie".
1) How can you write a nice story in Chinese if you grow up in English-speaking country? Unless you are not person.
2) How can you do so well in academic without focusing on your study?
3) In university, there is no "jump" as long as you finish the credit points for the program.
The whole story is full of Chinese stuff, not from ABC for sure.