Star Scopes (ҳҳ-ҳҳ-2009)
Author: James Tucker
Aries-March 21-April 19
The main reason for your success is all the hard work and devotion to duties. Whether it is family, associates or friends, you always sense what needs to be done and then you do it. You are committed, involved calm and passionate. You are highly deserving of life’s greatest riches. Keep it up and 2009 will be your best year ever.
Taurus-April 20-May 20
Taking care of family and others with greater needs than your own just reconfirms your large heart and spirit. What you give out always comes back multiplied, although you don’t do it for personal gain. It just shows what a fine person you have grown into. Happy New Year. Watch your finances. Don’t go over board on “can’t live with outs.” Quality time is far greater than a quantity of things. The rewards of the personal touch are great for all.
Gemini-May 21-June 21
Your creativity is especially strong now. You will meet life’s challenges in the New Year with your usual style and luck. Why? Because you have a guardian angel watching over you. Most of the things you worry about are not going to happen anyway. The key is to take care of details as they arrive so you don’t have to put out any forest fires later.
Cancer-June 22-July 22
You have approached the holidays with gratitude and thankfulness for all you accomplished the past year. You have a firm direction for the new one coming. Keep a strong focus on your top goals and you will do much more. The way you back up your plans with action will continue to insure success.
Leo-July 23-Aug. 22
The ideas continue to flow and the light bulbs keep on turning on. One good idea is always the birth mother to several others hanging around. Get ready for more. The New Year will be filled and exploding with many new opportunities. The key is to focus on the ones that make you the happiest first. Success is sure to follow.
Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22
When you set a plan in motion and your heart is in it, move it forward. Refuse to let worry, doubt or indecision set in or get you side tracked. If you aren’t sure, ask for advice or just wait. Then with renewed clarity, move forward again. Pain, hardship or struggle is our gut instinct telling you to be patient. Heed this warning.
Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22
You have grown so much spiritually the past year. Why? Because you are more centered. You worry less. Your self-confidence has increased. You have much new respect from family and friends. The main reason for this is all the love you show to others. When you are happy others are happy. You are so much fun to be around.
Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21
You have a lot of positive energy around you now. The holidays are a strong time of the year for you. The New Year will offer even more. Our instincts are sharp. Your mind is working clearly. Your spirit is strong. This is more than enough energy to propel you forward toward your dreams. You have a high blessing on your life.
Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec.21
Creative projects want to grow and become fruitful. Use your imagination. Be inventive. Bring your ideas, visions and inspirations into reality now. Make them real. The only limits are what you place on yourself. Dare to be different. Now others want to hang around just to see what you are dreaming up next. You were born for greatness.
Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19
With the sun, Mars and Pluto in Capricorn, you are super charged and ready to roll in the New Year. Be totally honest with yourself on your desires. Clear up old issues. Begin the New Year lighter and hopeful. Get straight to the point. Move ahead and watch the universe bless you with results even you will be amazed at.
Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Many new growth opportunities are at hand. It is your choice on how you will proceed. First, figure out what you truly want. Then write it down. This makes a strong commitment. Now energy is in your favor. Move out of your comfort zone. You have an opportunity for awesome growth. Now, it’s all up to you to make it happen.
Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20
There is a silver lining behind every cloud, as the old saying goes. When one plan doesn’t workout, It means a better one is just ahead. Perseverance is our best friend. You have plenty of it. Quitting is not an option. Try looking at things from a different angle. Move forward when the vision is clear. You will continue to overcome any new challenges with ease.