My friend Terry's mother Mrs. Robert Mitchell passed away on Saturday, January 17, 2009. As always, I seem to be the last one to get informed when something big and sad happens. For example, I was very late to know of Princess Diana's death, of the September 11 attack, and even of my own father's death…
To be reminded of those significant tragic events while thinking of Mrs. Mitchell is not merely a coincidence. I have known her, or "Me Me" as called by everyone, for only 8 years. She is however one of those people with whom you don’t need long term contacts to get special feelings, and to me she is certainly a lot more than just a friend's mom.
The earliest memory I can recall with Me Me was from one of the Christmas tree parties in Terry's house. I was the interpreter sitting between Me Me and my mother who was visiting the States, trying to keep their conversation going. There might not have been a lot of information transmitted, but they both seemed to be having a good time, and later recalled their meeting and said nice words about each other.
I was able, and later joined by my wife Yvonne, to meet Me Me every year at Terry's Christmas tree parties and sometimes in their beach cottage. Me Me however seemed willing to have more contacts with us than those occasions. She came to visit our family a few weeks after my son Austin was born. It was not at all a convenient trip for someone who was 83 years old. The town we lived was almost one hour away from her home. From that visit, we started to realize how much she liked us and how close she felt to us.
Later we visited her at her home. When we wanted to take a walk in the neighborhood, Me Me volunteered to be the babysitter. That was the first time for Austin to be under the care of someone outside our family. We came back after about an hour outside and saw Austin was comfortably in Me Me's arms. That was a moment I would always remember!
We gave her a small orchid plant during that visit and she repeatedly expressed her appreciation ever since. In another visit to her house years later, we were delighted to see the orchid was growing very well under her care. We also saw lots of old photos and videos of her family members including her three sons and their families. We felt like we found our own extended families in a place so far away from our home country.
We moved to our new home last year and, in August, invited some friends for a house-warming party. By then Me Me had been very sick. But to our delight and surprise, she joined us in the party. She was with us for hours, and toured the main floor of our house. She was so weak that she could not even go up and down the stairs to see the whole house. Her weakness was even more shockingly obvious when I helped her to get on her car seat. I was really moved.
Yvonne unwrapped the gift Me Me brought to us. It was a magnificent giant bowl. Terry later told us this bowl was older than him and Me Me said she would pass it to someone in the family. What a special gift!
In the last several months of her life, Me Me did not want us to visit her, because she was afraid she could not properly talk to us and take care of us. We were hoping she would feel better, and at least we would see her at the next Christmas tree party. But she was not able to leave the nursing home, so we went to see her after the party. She had such a cheerful personality even when she was fatally sick, so we simply enjoyed being with her one more time.
On the very next morning, I woke up with the news that my father passed away.
The last time Yvonne and I visited Me Me was on New Years Day 2009. We tried to hold our tears when seeing her lying on her hospital bed, but we felt relaxed again as soon as she opened her eyes and started talking to us! Her easy attitude and sense of humor were not lost. While hugging me she told me that I was like her "other guy"!
Last Sunday morning, Yvonne woke up and told me Me Me was in her dream. At that moment, we did not know the sad news! Me Me, did you come to us once again and try to let us know?
Me Me, we are so sorry that you have left us. We will miss you dearly, for your loving heart, for your bright smile, for all the thoughtful and invaluable gifts, cards and notes you sent us, and for that special something connecting you and us.