
自题拙像: 苍茫鲲鹏,万里飞鸣,共和起舞,云海长歌。。。
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A White crane is dancing on the horizon,                      鹤舞天边

Light clouds are circling among the profile of mountain, 远山云淡

Crystal water is turbulent beside footsteps,                   近水茫然

Echoing an unspeakable tale…                                     道不尽

Across the sky are falling comets,                                 流星满天

Missing each other in the dusty world.                           红尘无缘

There is touching moment in the poets heart,                  一念在心间

Leading him by the small window                                  待到雨飞时

Waiting only for the rain to fall,                                      静观小窗前

Seeing the sky becomes shallow,                                  看天空变浅

Watching the earth becomes a ball…                            见大地成圆

When the agitation is exploring,                                     激动在旷宇浩瀚

Then the infinity reveals its true meaning...                      真意无言…