They call me LOU there, or SPC LOU, for they just couldn't pronouce my last name
liu right. I didn't mind that all. I can't remember exact what day,我只记得,白天一直下着雨,天空阴沉沉的,我们明明雨衣上有帽子,Drill Sergeant Myers,说我们需要 discipline, 所以要脱掉帽子淋雨,真没办法,谁让我们是军人呢,只好照办。之后发生的事是我一生中最痛心忌首的。
所有的战士都很不开心,很突然的,好象他们需要某种情绪发泄管道,他们,尤其是女兵,白人女兵,开始向我发出功激。好象我是罪魁祸首。真是欲加之罪,何患无辞啊!我永远也忘不了,一位面露凶相的女兵,用手指这我说,“You are evil!" 我的世界开始下沉,我惊得说不出话来。为什麽?我到底做或说错了什麽?竟然惨遭如此恶言咒骂?!
难道单单因为我是唯一的中国人,他们就敢这样侮辱我吗?他们侮辱了全体在美的华人同胞,还有我们国内的13亿父老乡亲呀。想不道二十一世记的今天,racial discrimination is still going on in our strongest army in the whole world. I just feel so, so sad and shocked and speechless.
Fort Jackson 是美军最大的新兵训练地。Jessica Lynch 就曾经在此受训。我的 Alpha Company, 34 Infintry Regimen 的 First Sergeant Hall, 就曾经是 Jessica Lynch's Drill Sergeant.
PTRP stands for Physical Training Rehab something, I can't remember. Also called the Fitness Company (
To be continued......
HLiu 发表评论于
Thank you for your opinion. Yes, I have been through the gas chamber without any protection, it was horrible. I went through 75% of the Combat Basic Training until I got injured. Thanks a lot.
godtohuman 发表评论于
god bless you , fort jackson i had visit there? funny?
trust yourself anyehere only?have you ever been in gas room without protection how many minutes?rules ? or games treating( cheating) new soldier?
You're absolutely right. This happened prior to the event posted on 1/22/09.
It was a diary. And I am no famous writer, just to reflect on my life, and wrote some of my feelings and observations of life. It has nothing to do with those who are bitter with themselves and hate people and society. These are for serious and stable people who choose to lead a life of integrety and dignity.
HLiu 发表评论于
I think that all human beings are not perfect. To err is human. I am not proud of being called that way, but I am proud of what I did about it.
HLiu 发表评论于
To you, it might mean absolutely nothing; To me, on the other hand, it meaned so much. I told my friend after the army thing, that I become a different person, I am not afraid of anything or anyone now. Strong and confident, ready to face all challenges that fate throws at me.
HLiu 发表评论于
To you, it might mean absolutely nothing; To me, on the other hand, it meaned so much. I told my friend after the army thing, that I become a different person, I am not afraid of anything or anyone now. Strong and confident, ready to face all challenges that fate throws at me.
HLiu 发表评论于
To you, it might mean absolutely nothing; To me, on the other hand, it meaned so much. I told my friend after the army thing, that I become a different person, I am not afraid of anything or anyone now. Strong and confident, ready to face all challenges that fate throws at me.
HLiu 发表评论于
To you, it might mean absolutely nothing; To me, on the other hand, it meaned so much. I told my friend after the army thing, that I become a different person, I am not afraid of anything or anyone now. Strong and confident, ready to face all challenges that fate throws at me.
HLiu 发表评论于
Please come back, soldier. We love you here.
HLiu 发表评论于
我很同意你的分析与观点,太精辟了。从密苏里州到纽约到加州,再到 Fort Jackson, 我与到的黑人都如你所言,尤其是在伤病连。我感到她们对我的真至的爱和友善。
HLiu 发表评论于
please email me:
I reply to all kind and reasonal emails, this is a promise.
HLiu 发表评论于
Thank you for your support, 偶灯斯陋。
Funny,I just read your guys'comments this morning, after so long. Thank you 次 & 阿健. Wow, I am really impressed. You guys are the best!
I salute you!
HLiu 发表评论于
Well, I can tell you this much, If I fought back then, I am in military prison now. And that is for sure.
I don't want that. After I left Fort Jackson, my battle buddy, Private Caguiat told me that our First Sergeant raped a Private in our platoon, and guess what the First Sergeant is in jail now in a Military facility in KS, and dropped to a Private. I remember he told us that he graduated Ranger School. I fee sorry for him.
Another thing I saw while I was in, a Private Bailey smacked the same First Sergeant on the face, right away, there were 3 Military Police cars pulled up and locked Private Bailey and took him away.
I am just simply not the type to throw fits at people.
And I didn't know the hardship in the PTRP esp.
I guess that I am wiser now, learned my lesson from this and stand tall and try to be a strong and nice person.