这时有一个女兵开始找我的麻烦,她大叫什么这个母狗吻起来像只鸡 (whore) 。我知道她在说我,我有点怕。我低着头,试图找个洞钻进去。然后她接着叫唤“我知道,她吻上去好像刚刚结束七天野外训练。”然后就是哄笑。我不明白为什么我会成为众矢之的。这个女兵在连里是个祸害,名声不好。我可以找以前的文件查她的名字。我猜她叫 Private Smith ,二十好几的金发女郎。这时有些男兵开始窃窃私议,我看到 Private William ,我们的排助理,向我靠近,试图看我有什么气闻儿。我感到被侮辱。我希望我能瞬间遁去。最后,我们的长官过来让我们解散,回营房,我才解脱。到现在,我都没搞清他们为何选中我来戏弄。可能因为我是黄皮肤。自那以后,又有更严重的谩骂。有一个战士辱骂我,是魔鬼。我没有还嘴。我一直在压抑内心的火气。真是实生不如死。不知这样的不幸会有多久。 01/08/07,0100 凌晨、 现在,是我站岗。其余的战士都在睡觉。我问了一个也在站岗的士兵,我到底做了什莫,他们如此对我。他也对我表示同情。 01/08/07,0500 凌晨 有几个战士又像往常一样的辱骂我,这时候,我再也仍不住了,大声音叫得起来,“你们为什么辱骂我,你们骂的每一句话,我都明白,你们是一群混蛋。然后,长官来了,送我去了心理专家做检查。 长官欺软怕硬。 TO be continued....
The Fitness Company, Fort Jackson, SC. We were gethered in our company area, following orders by our Drill Sergeant as always every evening at this time for the name count. Now a female soldier started to find fault with me, she shouted, this bitch smelled like a whore. I knew exactly she meant me, and I was a little scared. I bowed my head, wanted to disappear and hide in a hole. And then she went on, “I know now, she smelled like when you just finish the 7 day in the field.” Then there was this roaring of laughter. I had no idea why I became the target they chose to pick on. This female soldier was the trouble maker in our Platoon, bad reputation. I can dig my old paper works and find her name. I am guessing her name is Private Smith, a blond woman in her late twenties. And now some male soldiers started to gossip, and I noticed Private William, who was our Assistant Platoon Guide, approached me, and tried to smell me. I felt so ashamed, and embarrassed. I wish I were somewhere else at the moment. Finally
Tell you what, I agree with you totally. You know, I still miss the army.
And I think you are very lucky. For me, I guess the injury changed my army career. Otherwise...., who knows, I probably say, I am so enjoying myself as a GI.
HLiu 发表评论于
you are a total fool!
HLiu 发表评论于
Please email me; spcliu767@gmail.com
HLiu 发表评论于
I pity you! You just never get it!
HLiu 发表评论于
I am so proud of being an American Soldier! Never regret a little bit of my decision of being enlisted! And I gained precious experiences from my Army career. The army built me, I can never be weak again, because I was once a soldier, serving the strongest army in the whole wide world!
I agree. This is exactly what I was told in the Army.
HLiu 发表评论于
I feel sorry for your sort. You can't comprehend this kind of emotions. What a pity!
HLiu 发表评论于
Thank you, sister!
HLiu 发表评论于
Thank you for your advice. Let me tell you though, if I had done that, like what you suggested that I hit the worse abuser, what would have happened was someone will call 911, within minutes, you would hear sirens of the MP(Military Police) car pull in. And they would take me into custody. Do you think that's worth it. On top of that, I will be demoted to E1, just a private soldier instead of E4, a specialist.
每天都来 发表评论于
flauto 发表评论于
What was you MOS if you don't mind anwering. How long was your contract? I signed up for 3 years and I just finished one. I have two more years to go in the army and I am indeed enjoying it a lot. You can not beat the 4-day weekends on every holiday and the relaxed work.
HLiu 发表评论于
I agree.
HLiu 发表评论于
Thank you for your understanding and support. I guess that I was unlucky when I was jnjured when I fell from about 35 feet above the ground and I suffered two fractures in my right foot. I actually had fun the first 5 weeks at BCT, until they sent me to PTRP, esp when I came back from a 30-day Con Leave. I didn't want to be there at all. And I withdrew from the usual crowd, that was when all this happened. You're right, I am lucky now that I won my freedom back, and I am preparing for the Court Interpreter job now while working full time in a Medical Supplies company. My best friend suggested me to sort things out and put the painful event behind and move on. I just wanted to be the witness here, revealing to the people who might be suffering the similiar treatment right at this moment.