


对于希望了解中国想法的国际媒体来说,“不折腾”三个字如何翻译呢?————愚以为在这里当以意译为主,不应机械地从字面上作翻译。“不折腾”这里可理解为不搞无谓的政治运动或政治游戏:No Political Movement or No Political Games。


skidude 发表评论于
how about: Don't mess around.
NYWalker 发表评论于
"No Turbulence"


"No Political Turbulence"
wisewind 发表评论于
"No disturbance" may be one chioce?
zuncong 发表评论于
laojie 发表评论于
也可一译成“Don't invent problems"
网恋无罪 发表评论于
Don't rock the boat

rock the boat is to risk upsetting a group situation. Example: "We have to work together on this project. I don't want anyone rocking the boat."

People in a group on a small boat need to work together. If one person moves suddenly, the whole boat could rock dangerously. Example: "Everyone wants to go except for you. Why do you have to rock the boat?"

We cause trouble for other people when we rock the boat, because people need to find new positions to make "the boat" steady again. Example: "I hate to rock the boat, but I do think we need to rewrite this report."