财经观察 1712 --- 看好中国人寿的诸多理由

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2009年 01月 30日 09:15/>

国人寿保险股份有限公司(China Life Insurance Co.)最近处于不同寻常的位置,投资者很难发现该公司的价值。





诚然,利率的下降会影响中国人寿的债券投资回报。但花旗投资研究(Citi Investment Research)分析师梁智勤(Bob Leung)表示,中国人寿所持债券的四分之三都是久期在5年以上的债券,久期在10年以上的债券占45%。所以,利率的下降数年内不会对中国人寿所持大部分债券的收益率造成实际影响。



长期来看更为重要的是,据里昂证券亚太区市场(CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets)估计,按人寿保险保费收入计算,中国保险市场在国内生产总值(GDP)中的比率还只有1.8%,而各大主要保险市场的这一比例已高达4%-12%。


这表明中国人寿在资金面上是游刃有余的,这也是中国人寿成为美国国际集团(American International Group Inc., AIG)在华人寿保险业务的最佳收购方的原因之一。美国国际集团前首席执行长Maurice 'Hank' Greenberg最近曾把在华人寿保险业务称为美国国际集团“皇冠上的宝石”。

Andrew Peaple

Insurance – According to CIRC, China will ban the sales of investment-linked insurance products at bank counters designed for depositors to curb misguidance that has led to consumer complaints and disputes. From March 15, banks can sell such products only through their wealth-mgmt counters. In terms of actual difference to embedded value (EV) and to earnings, not much impact to China Life from the change in regulation as China Life only derives less than 5% of GWP from banking channel vs 50% in the industry level. Although China Life did sell a lot of insurance policies via the bank channel last year, this was extremely low margin (due to the payment of high commission rates to banks), and they were participating products and not investment-linked insurance. Note that sales of investment-linked insurance has already slowing dramatically for some time due to the length and duration of the bear A-share market, and the main products that are currently being sold via the bank channel are participating life and universal life insurance products. There is a risk that the CIRC may take further measures to curb insurance sales via the bank channel, which will see the agent channel to increase in importance as the key distribution channel -hence our preference of China Life with its 676,000 agents.