我说人家不听倒也无所谓,痛苦的是改作文。每个星期近20个人的作文要批改实工作量大不说,好些人根本就是敷衍了事,从内容到语言都有很多值得扣分的地方。问题就出在扣分上:文科的作文,整个是主观的东西,没有一个标准的衡量方式。作为一个外国人,受到的挑战是双重的:你说作文里有逻辑问题,人家说 Maybe we just think differently. 你说人家的内容空洞,人家说“I think it’s very interesting”,你咋办?
除了内容,还有语言问题。要想让美国学生知道和明白语法、用词和表达上有问题,作为老师的那真是要有充分的理由和依据。有一次,一个黄头发的PLMM对我给的 D 极为不满意,要我逐字逐句地说出每一分是怎么扣的,还时不时拿出“I think that’s not my problem” 这类的话来堵人。
美国同事中有人可能跟我当年的学生一样,痛恨文科和写作,因此一辈子都没学会写作。教这些美国人写作或指出他们的错误,远比跟过去的学生纠缠快乐得多。在实际工作中,咱们对文法要求不需要那么严格,但老把 its 写成 it’s 几乎成了传染病,有时候你非得明白地说 it’s = it is 人家才能明白你说啥。
咱们不搞文科了,正式的 report 和 email 就少来些浪漫。I feel, I think, I believe 这类DD在technical paper 出现时,给我的第一感觉就是作者心里没底,正摸着石头过河呢。还有形容词大量堆积的时候,你得怀疑水分多少。“We made tremendous improvement to the application performance”。这种话跟 Hello, How Are You? 的意义差不多。What does “tremendous” mean? 5%, 50%, 100% or 500%?
有位老兄,喜欢写只有一段的长篇大论。老大不小的,我估计他改不了了,所以每次看他的东西,我先把段落分出来。 Or maybe it’s just my problem:)
wxcqq 发表评论于
what i remember is that when there are three people: you, he/she and youself that need to be mentioned, the order should be: you, he/she and I/ me; when it is only other person and you, you always put the other person first, eg, my husband and I, my friend and I, my sister and I, etc.
I learned it from English high school class back in China....it could be wrong... but i noticed all the americans use that order as well....
确实是不容易的事。但有些对于我们来说特容易的美国人却经常糊里糊涂,就像我说的it's和its的混淆。今天早上收音机里听见一个美国人问语言专家,啥时候该用My husband and I,啥时候该用me and my husband 或 my husband and me. 你跟他们说主语谓语啥的,人家压根不明白:)后来专家给了一个技巧,就是把另一人(husband)扔了留下自己,答案就显而易见了:)
老别 发表评论于
Thank heavens I am no longer a teacher:) I do coach technical colleagues on how to write properly from time to time on informal basis.
That's true in college, but in my workplace, my colleagues have yet to find reasons to be critical;) 美国人太多人写作水平处于中小学水平了。
老别 发表评论于
wxcqq 发表评论于
I can understand how hard it is for a non-English/ English speaker like you/ or English is not your mother tongue to teach Americans English…. They will never take your too seriously... It's sad, but it is reality....