近年来Pro/Am scholarship A 的水准远高于Amaturer Pre-Champ (due to the contribution of pro), while the Am side is usually at least in pre-champ level, and many of them compete in Amatuer competitions as well.
我不喜欢跳 pro/am 的原因里,除了太贵,就是老师是跟许多人跳的,他们跟多数的学生都不能像自己的 partner 那样 fit 得很好。而且他们的精力也会是个问题(当有很多学生的时候)。我记得以前有个地方有个老师甚至跳到在场上晕倒的(那个老师在当地颇有名气)。 :(
“I believe one has to enjoy/touch herself first before can enjoy/touch others.”
menhaoran1 在那里比赛?跟哪个老师?你还真说对了。我今晚大概又要做比赛梦了。。。 :(
Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
海鸥,我同意你的看法。谢谢你费心圈注。这次因在本地比赛,Slava的学生很多,他从12:30pm 到6:30pm就没停过。Open Standard Scholarship A 是在周六日场最后压轴。想来他的体力已大打折扣了。我的 FT Routine 是该重新编排一下了。在three fallaway之前太无惊人之处。因为比赛的少,在场上比较 in tense.更象是在 get over technical process,instead of enjoy dancing. I believe one has to enjoy/touch herself first before can enjoy/touch others.这也确实是我要改进的。
其实,国标舞关键在男伴。 在Waltz and V-Walt中的正转(Natural Turn),男伴的转幅要是能更大一些,会显得更流畅,更飘逸。
Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
Hi Melly,
Nice to see you again! You are right, I'm devoting more time dancing now, will compete in Regional next Saturday, and National more that a month later.
Yes, I made some improvements since Ohio. Pro/Am is a training ground. I won $200 scholarship this time for the 3rd place (spent more than that for competition). Unfortunately, I had only 2 hours practice with my teacher in the month before competition. I should have done better otherwise.
melly 发表评论于
Hello Girl,
Long time no see. How are you? You are seriously devoted to dancing now. Good for you. Felt better than Ohio Competition?