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美国也有位"六小灵童",他有本事干了件连孙候子都干不了的事 -- 持枪上学堂。

那中国儿歌是怎么唱的?  小么小儿朗,背起那书包上学堂。到美国,这歌词改了:  小么小儿朗,胯起那手枪上学堂。我们都知道美国枪支泛滥,但六岁孩童带枪上学,也忒早熟了吧!



6-year-old brings loaded handgun to Calif.school

A 6-year-old boy brought a loaded handgun to his Southern California elementary school and it wasn't discovered until recess when he was sent to the campus office because of sagging pants.

The .45-caliber handgun slipped down the first-grader's pant leg Wednesday while a clerk at the Victorville school was helping him put on a belt.

San Bernardino County sheriff's spokeswoman Karen Hunt says the boy took the gun from his father's vehicle. Investigators in the town about 80 miles west of Los Angeles say the weapon was stolen during a November robbery.

The boy's father Michael Lewis has now been arrested and booked for investigation of receiving stolen property and possession of a firearm by a felon.

The 6-year-old boy, who will be expelled under the school's zero-tolerance weapons policy, has been released to the custody of his mother.


handgun:  手枪,loaded handgun:  子弹上膛的手枪。
recess:  放学,也即一天的学校结束(recess)了。
sagging pants:  裤子往下坠。孩子的裤兜里装着把枪,能不往下坠嘛!
caliber:  手枪口径。0.45-caliber可是真家伙,小口径是0.22,警用手枪都是0.45的。
first-grader:  一年级学生。


六小龄童将被学校开除,因为学校对武器有零容忍政策。现在这孩子交由他妈照看(released to the custody of his mother)。

zero-tolerance weapons policy:  对武器的零容忍政策。美国学校有不少这样的零政策:  武器零容忍(weapons zero-tolerance)、毒品零容忍(drug zero-tolerance)、犯罪零容忍(crime zero-tolerance),可这些东西好像是你越零容忍他越泛滥,不知是不是美国学校对零的数学概念理解不同?
