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LI man aims at duck, hits man, gets arrested

He meant to shoot the ducks. A Long Island man is facing charges including reckless endangerment and assault after he shot another hunter while out duck hunting on Saturday.

Nassau County authorities said the Brentwood man had his loaded shotgun pointed in the direction of the other man, then tried to raise the weapon to shoot some passing ducks.

The gun discharged, and the other hunter was hit in the arm.




Dick Cheney's Hunting Accident

"Just before sunset Saturday, 78-year-old Austin [millionaire civil attorney] Harry Whittington pulled off 'a double': bringing down two quail with two successive blasts from his shotgun," Larry Elder and Sarah Coppola, wrote in the February 13, 2006, Austin American Statesman. "One of Whittington's hunting companions, Vice President Dick Cheney, wasn't as accurate."

"A few minutes later, Cheney accidentally shot Whittington, according to Pamela Willeford, the U.S. ambassador to Switzerland, who was hunting with the pair on the 50,000-acre Armstrong Ranch in South Texas ... [spraying] Whittington with birdshot across his face, shoulder and chest," Elder and Coppola wrote.

Whittington suffered a mild heart attack on Tuesday, February 14, 2006, "after a shotgun pellet in his chest traveled to his heart," according to doctors at Christus Spohn Hospital Corpus Christi-Memorial. "Whittington was immediately moved back to an intensive care unit and will be watched for a week to make sure more pellets do not move to other vital organs. He was reported in stable condition."

其实这一群人打的是quail,就是鹌鹑。但美国人在说法上有些糊涂,有的说是Vice President's Birdhunting Accident,也有叫它是Vice President's Duck Hunting Accident。

pulled off 'a double'--连开两枪。这位做民事律师(civil attorney) 的百万富翁枪法不错,两枪打下两只。但轮到伟大领袖钱副总统举枪搂火时,一幕悲喜剧发生了。副总统击出的散弹,鸟没打着,但轰得律师朋友满脸满肩满胸。伤痕累累,惨不忍睹。



钱副总统一枪轰了老友,媒体立刻发声: 大规模杀伤性武器终于找着啦,就在钱尼自己手里。

拥有枪支是个人的权力,这本身没什么错。但枪法好坏是训练问题,从以上两例看,对缺乏训练的人是否应该有所管治约束,不该让他们任意使用枪支!  这就好比没有驾照的不该驾驶汽车一样。


附记:  当今的国际政治术语里,有两种最时髦的武器,他们的英文缩写我们可以学一下。一个就是"大规
模杀伤性武器",英文缩写是WMD,全称是Weapons of Mass Destruction;另一个是TMD,它的全称有两种,一种是Theater Missile Defense,即"区域导弹防御",另一种是Ta Ma De,它是中文的拼音,写成汉字就是"他妈的"。看官别嫌我话粗,这不是我的发明,而是中国裁军谈判专家著名外交人士沙祖康的杰作,他是把美国的TMD和中国的TMD连在一起的第一人。
