Fighting with county assessor

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It is exhausted this week.

It seems I am turning around and around.

But I do not see any money yet.  Sad.

My blood pressure is going up when I saw the property tax bill.  My first reaction is APPEAL.

Time to fight, what a fun life to fight.

The law said:  If you do not agree with the assessed value, you have the right to appeal with the county.

I filed the paperwork 2 months ago. They finally called me.  Who said America has NO 官僚? 2 months are pretty  long.

I printed out some comps to them to show how much the properties are sold for.

They do not like it.............

to be continured ...................,

今天太累了,累得不想再打字。Finished all the 1099 Misc form of rent payments to my clients.  Tired is not the right word, exhausted is.
