【情人節快樂】Love You Every Second

當思念靜止一刻,時間彷彿從心底緩緩流過; 少年時光的冰河, 在陽光里化成了沉默. 曾經那些年少的承諾, 已經隨着微風缓緩飄過; 花瓣從樹梢迎風飄落時, 就讓這一刻變成永久...
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Love You Every Second
 - Charlie Landsborough

    Down the years

    There'll be days

    When we must be apart

    So I bought this small watch

    For to measure the time

    The inscription it carries

    Comes straight from my heart

    To remind you

    You'll always be mine

    Love you every second

    It's simple But so true

    Love you every second

    Every second I live

    I'll love you

    When you feel

    When you feel

    You're out fighting

    This world on your own

    Watch those hands turning round

    And remember that phrase

    While there's breath in this body

    You won't be alone

    So believe that old watch

    When it says

    Love you every second

    It's simple but so true

    Love you every second

    Every second I live

    I'll love you

    Every moment is precious

    So don't waste a one

    For you'll never recover

    A moment that's gone

    Love can sometimes

    Get lost

    In an ocean of time

    But my heart will not change

    And I want you to know

    You possess every drop

    God allows to be mine

    I decided a long time ago

    Love you every second

    It's simple but so true

    Love you every second

    Every second I live

    I'll love you

    BlackOrchid 12 Febrary 2009
