“明确法案”只是要求公投问题要明确? 那魁北克早就独立了!


The key points of the legislation "Clarity Act" included the following:

* Giving the House of Commons the power to decide whether a proposed referendum question was considered clear before the public vote; -- 没有经过中央(联邦议院)批准的公投无效

* Specifically stating that any question not solely referring to secession was to be considered unclear; -- 什么叫"clear"仍然unclear

* Giving the House of Commons the power to determine whether or not a clear majority has expressed itself in any referendum, implying that some sort of supermajority is required for success; -- 什么叫"clear"由中央(联邦议院)决定

* Allowing the House of Commons to override a referendum decision if it felt the referendum violated any of the tenets of the Clarity Act; -- 中央(联邦议院)对公投可以推翻

* The secession of a province of Canada would require an amendment to the Constitution of Canada. -- 一省分裂(脱离)首先要修改国家宪法
