Investment Property Rent vs. Price 1% Rule For Cash-Flow

哈欠, TNND, 谁把我吵醒了
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jy101 said:

狭义的 Cash Flow = Rent * 100 - purchase price

广义的 Cash Flow = Rent * .65 * 100 - purchase price?

.65 is the factor to cover vacancy & repair


For a house rented at $1000 monthly, the purchase price should be

monthly Rent * 100 = purchase price

$1000 * 100 = $100k

for the investment to reach a 狭义的 break-even Cash Flow.

This is the famous 1% rule: 1k (rent) / 100k (house price)

For 广义的 break-even Cash Flow, 

(monthly $1000 rent *0.65)* 100 = 65k should be the purchase price

for a monthly $1000 rent house, which I think can be only available for apartments or multi-family houses.

My last two REO purchases are within the range of this rule for now!
