前段时间读了一篇文章,非常宿命论,也能在你无能为力的时候给自己一个理由。里面讲有些爱恨情仇是纠集了几世的结果:前生你对他做了孽,此生来还;或者前世尘缘未了,故而今生再续。这关系就像牛皮筋一样,怎么也扯不断。片里戴西和本杰明分分合合数次终于再聚,戴西兴高采烈地强调这就是命运。宿命和爱情,谁又能讲得透彻呢?一个由年幼到年老,另一个却与众人背道而驰走向年轻,这两个人能在各自生命中最美丽的时刻度过几年甜蜜时光并生儿育女,不能不说幸运或是编剧对美好的向往。至于后来本杰明离开,一个人偷偷变年轻,难道就是生活的无奈?至于后来老年戴西对幼年本杰明的照料,真让人对命运唏嘘不已。粗看本杰明和戴西的人生就像两条交叉线,他们只能有一段美好的交汇,然后奔赴生命的不同终点。可我更宁愿说他们一生的感情更像那互补的DNA双螺旋,你的起点是我的终点,我们貌似分离却永远旋转纠结在一起。 大海、战争、远方、诱惑,这些都无法将他们阻隔,是命运这双无形的手把他们揉了又捏,捏了又揉,直到最后走入死亡的怀抱,无论是年幼或是年老。
I am sailing, I am sailing,
home again 'cross the sea.
I am sailing, stormy waters,
to be near you, to be free.
I am flying, I am flying,
like a bird 'cross the sky.
I am flying, passing high clouds,
to be with you, to be free.
Can you hear me, can you hear me
thro' the dark night, far away,
I am dying, forever trying,
to be with you, who can say.
Can you hear me, can you hear me,
thro' the dark night far away.
I am dying, forever trying,
to be with you, who can say.
We are sailing, we are sailing,
home again 'cross the sea.
We are sailing stormy waters,
to be near you, to be free.
Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.
Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free,
Oh Lord.
home again 'cross the sea.
I am sailing, stormy waters,
to be near you, to be free.
I am flying, I am flying,
like a bird 'cross the sky.
I am flying, passing high clouds,
to be with you, to be free.
Can you hear me, can you hear me
thro' the dark night, far away,
I am dying, forever trying,
to be with you, who can say.
Can you hear me, can you hear me,
thro' the dark night far away.
I am dying, forever trying,
to be with you, who can say.
We are sailing, we are sailing,
home again 'cross the sea.
We are sailing stormy waters,
to be near you, to be free.
Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free.
Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free,
Oh Lord.