今日打开德文版《我的奋斗》,不看不知道,看了吓一跳。当年希特勒这样宣传“宣传”。 “宣传的艺术在于,掌控大众之心,使之明白,抓住大众心理,使之接纳!” 戈培尔(Paul Joseph Goebbels,1897-1945)是纳粹德国时期的宣传部长,被称为“宣传的天才”,以铁腕捍卫希特勒政权和维持第三帝国的体制。戈培尔有一句名言“谎言重复一千次就成为真理”(德文:Man muss eine Luege nur oft genug wiederholen, damit sie zur Wahrheit wird. )。 纳粹党的宣传部为纳粹党夺取政权,立下汗马功劳,并在二战时期开足马力,为希特勒百分之三百效忠,收效显著,只是给德国人,全世界人留下永远无法抹去的历史痛苦印记。 1939年,斯大林仿效希特勒,同样建立宣传部,没想到斯大林的宣传部果真打败了希特勒的宣传部,以记入历史。
public relations activities and policies used to create public interest in a person, idea, product, institution, or business establishment. By its nature, public relations is devoted to serving particular interests by presenting them to the public in the most favorable light
---------------The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition
A fundamental technique used in public relations is to identify the target audience, and to tailor every message to appeal to that audience. It can be a general, nationwide or worldwide audience, but it is more often a segment of a population.
英语中propaganda这个词比起汉语的“宣传”其资历要晚得多,直到18世纪初才出现,源于拉丁语Congregatio de propaganda fide ,意指宗教理念的传播,这时候的propagangda基本上是个中性词。可惜,好端端的一个propagangda这个词却在20世纪名声扫地,其罪魁祸首有两个人,一是希特勒,二是斯大林。1933年3月希特勒在德国上台之后,在新政府中组建了“国民教育与宣传部”(Propagandaministerium),由戈培尔担任部长。在戈培尔和他的宣传部的操纵下,本来应该向公众传播事实,宣传真理和正义的德国新闻媒介,成为欺骗公众、制造谬论、蛊惑战争的工具,对德国老百姓洗脑,使他们成为法西斯战争的狂热支持者。在反法西斯的苏联,苏共中央也成立了“鼓动宣传部”(Agitprop),负责意识形态宣传,“若理论与现实不符,则修改现实”(斯大林语)。在这个背景下,英语中的propaganda一词逐步成为演变成为了不折不扣的贬义词,以至于在MSN Encarta网上字典propaganda词条下,我们可以看到这样的定义:misleading publicity: deceptive or distorted information that is systematically spread(有系统地误导和传播欺骗性和被曲解的信息)。
自从中宣部译名修改以后,中国对外宣传中凡是涉及到“宣传”的翻译,一般都避免使用propaganda。比如这次全国宣传思想工作会议的报道,对于“宣传思想工作”这个词组,新华社英文电讯稿中使用的翻译是“publicity and ideological work”,法文电讯稿使用的是“le travail de communication et d'idéologie”,在英译稿中用publicity对应“宣传”,在法文版中用communication翻译“宣传”。然而,虽然在对外不再使用propaganda这个词,但是在宣传的理念和心态却50年不变,以灌输和说教的方式演奏主旋律,以至于央视的《新闻联播》成了Publicity Department的BBS。
That was from Wikipedia--key words: manipulation, omssion, deliberate influence.
From its definition, if such behaviors are common practices, why change?
北鹤 发表评论于
Propaganda is the dissemination of information aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviors of large numbers of people. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense presents information in order to influence its audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or gives loaded messages in order to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political agenda.
Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist.
—Garth S. Jowett and Victoria O'Donnell, Propaganda and Persuasion