I Left my Heart in san Francisco Lyrics:

Frank Sinatra
I Left my Heart in san Francisco Lyrics
The loveliness of Paris

Seems someshow sadly gay.
The glory that was Rome
Is of another day.

I've been terribly alone

And forgotten in Manhattan
I'm going home
To my city by the bay.

I left my heart

In San Francisco
High on the hill

[ Find more Lyrics at www.mp3lyrics.org/eyL ]
It calls to me.

To be where little cables cars
Climb halfaway to the stars!
The morning fog may
chill the air.

I don't care!
My love waits there
in San Francisco

Above the blue and windy sea.

When I come home to you

San Francisco
Your golden sun will
shine for me!

I left my heart
Lyrics: I Left my Heart in san Francisco,
Frank Sinatra [end]




mixrg (1 week ago) Show Hide
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The only way I can make a connection is that every year we have SO many events in san francisco:Bay to Breakers,Breast Cancer Walk,Blue Angels,etc, it is seriously endless, Every weekdend SOMETHING. We also have the Hawaii/Pac Islander Fest in the Presidio. I think on top of all the pics of the sites in the video, they were trying to hint at all the great things that happen in san fran all the time. The hula girls could hint at just one of them while working well with the video...just a guess.
Born and raised in Seattle, I was lucky enough to live in the heart of San Francisco for 6 years. It was without a doubt the most wonderful time of my life. I go back often and am proud to say that for at least a little while, I too was a San Franciscan.
I've only passed-thru SanFran. All I have to say is there is just SOMETHING about this song tha brings tears to my eyes. His voice is among the greatest ever recorded. Maybe it just reminds of when life was innocent and pure and of my Nana and Papa and the old-fashioned family that I grew-up in. Also, how that family (like the music & entertainers of years past) is aging and dying. They just don't perform like this anymore. I am ready for Heaven.
okand86 (2 months ago) Show Hide
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well my wedding song was if you come to sf come flower on your hair and i wear flowers on my hair well heck no... that flowers dried that quick over there and became such as a sharp needle to hurt me , painfull, divorced in sf , now live in NY!! and now even i dont have any hair pin and pain on my head :))
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i left my marriage in vegas, and left my divorce in DC
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I just went on vacation to San Fransisco. I left my heart there, too.
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i left my suitcase in new jersey...
poppycake (6 months ago) Show Hide /> />
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If you ever get the chance to visit SF, please relax and enjoy our evergreen cool breezes, a choice of sun or shade, friendly greetings and our own sense of the times. It is an acquired taste.
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In an interview with GQ two years ago, Bennett was quoted as saying "actually, I've never left so much as an umbrella in San Francisco".
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i left my wallet in ohio
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My family and I were in NYC at the Trump Towers over this past weekend and we just so happened to see Mr. Bennett standing in the door way. But to much dismay he did not acknowlege my husband who was waving and not to mention a huge fan. This was a disappointment but I guess everybody is entitled to a bad day. We will still however remain fans.
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why would u not be fans anymore? i mean u stop liking him cuz he didnt see you when u were waving? w/e
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It's not that I wouldn't be a fan. It just would have been nice if he would have waved back after he noticed that we knew who he was. Instead he hid behind a pillar in the lobby and had the bell boy lock the door. After all, he is who he is because of the fans. Relax

Tears of joy....
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I just returned from a trip to SF, after 26 yrs... and fell in love it.... This song describes EXACTLY how I feel...
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Wow! Where do you go for 26 years??? Well, welcome back at any rate!! SF is truly one of the finest cosmopolitan city in the world! Great song, this one by the one and only Tony Bennett, huh?? BEST REGARDS!
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y does tony bennet sing about san francisco, sinatra sings about new york and snoop dog sings about california??
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Makes me want to put all my $ in Union Bank of Calif. :)
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...You stole my "Bravo!"...line.... ;) SF, is wonderful enough for all of us. lol
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sorry about that! ha ha. well, what can I say??? great and exquisitive minds think alike, huh??? This song again truly ranks amongs the finest ever. Right up there with Frank Sinatra's New York, New York! Yes, SF and NY. Talk about two (2) gems!!! THanks again and best regards!
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Dina, (doll) you are totally correct! Well, if you plan to vacation in NJ,...e-mail me. We are great (SAFE) folks. Love, ~Pat~
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Wow! How nice of you! Are you serious? Are all folks in NJ this nice? What warmth and hospitality for sure! :) BEST REGARDS.
Truly one of the ALL-TIME classics, period!!! I think about my lovely city by the bay everytime I hear this all right! So very well done indeed. Tony Bennett is a true class-act and superb singer. Yes, San Francisco's golden sun will shine for me all right!! Ha ha. BRAVO & BEST REGARDS

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