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Dear 杰明,


仍然历历在目地记得,那个夏末的午后,你到我面前,单膝跪下向我求婚。你诚恳的眼神,真挚的话语,爱的行动征服了我的心。第二年三月,神作合,我们合二为一。“两个人总比一个人好”(传4:9 - 暴风雪里开车,有你在我身边,我不再惧怕。长冬冷夜里,你温暖我。生孩子时,你守在我床边。我们分享着旅游和探险的爱好:你是否还记得我们行走在优胜美地的黑熊边?我们曾一起开过了整条红杉林区公路。坐直升机遨游大峡谷的惊心动魄。安大略湖边的奇美橘色夕阳。还有坐齿轮轨道蒸汽火车登上陡峭的新罕布夏州华盛顿山脉“雅各之天梯”时,两个孩子居然安睡度过险程。我的生活因你的加入而丰富了许多。


浪漫也是生活态度 折射于很简单世俗的日子里。不是吗?我们欣喜地同孩子们一起玩风筝,教孩子学骑车,帮助孩子摇线钓起他们鱼竿上的第一条鱼。生活中许多微小的插曲,往往能给我们带来无边的喜悦,如观察破茧而出的蝴蝶,或全家人在水杉国家公园的巨大“雪门将军”树前摆样子拍照。



Dear 杰明,

Valentine snow drifted softly outside when I was reading your poem this afternoon. It was still cold out, but the inside was filled with warmth. You and the kids were playing and laughing in the background. I read your poem and deep down in my heart a chord was stirred. A voice spoke out,"I thank the Lord for you, my life-long partner, to share love and romantic moments with."

I still remember, vividly, it was a late summer afternoon, when you knelt down before me to propose to me. Your earnest eyes, sincere words and loving actions have conquered my heart. The next March God made us one. "Two are better than one." (Ecclesiastes 4:9) - I had no fear driving in the snowstorm when you were by my side. You kept me warm on long cold winter nights. You were with me when our kids were born. We shared our passion for exploration and adventure. Do you remember when we hiked besides a black bear in Yosemite? We also drove through the whole length of the Redwood Highway. It was a thrill to take a helicopter ride above the Grand Canyon. How about the awesome orange sunset over Lake Ontario? And the steep cog-railway ride through "Jacob's Ladder" on Mt. Washington when the kids were just sleeping peacefully through the hard journey. My life is fuller since we're together.

Love is the essential foundation, while romance adds spice and colors to the ingredients of married life.

Romance can be an attitude of life, which reflects in very simple mundane things. Isn’t it true that we take delight in flying the kite with our kids, coaching kids how to ride the bike, helping kids reel in their very first fish caught with their rods. There are many little interludes which carry boundless pleasures, like observing the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly, or posing family shots before the gigantic "General Sherman" tree in Sequoia National Park. 

Someday when we are both old and gray, I like to read the Valentine letters. When we can barely walk or talk, we can hold our hands and tell tales of romantic sparks, savoring the moments of shimmered past. We then thank our Lord for the amazing beauty of Love and Romance.


Valentine’s Day 2009

                       -To my Vivacious Wife

It’s been almost 11 years since you came into my life like a burst of sunshine

God gave me you with your beauty and many talents in areas so fine

You are my better half as you brought life to me in more ways than one

Our kids are such a blessing and without you it wouldn’t be home

Relationships are your focus and if it weren’t for you I can be such a drone

There have been times I don’t express my love like I should always do

Yet you’ve been faithful to me through it all you’ve been true

Diligently I sought the Lord to bring me a wife that means so much to me

I want to everyday appreciate that you are the best I can see

My prayer this Valentine’s Day of 2009 is that I would every day remember

How special you are to me and shouldn’t wait all the way until December

To tell you how much meaning you’ve brought into every aspect of my life

There’s got to be a better way of expressing love than living with strife

Times will come and times will go and things of this world will pass away

We can’t bring anything with us to eternity from this world of today

Except for love and that is what I have in my heart and mind for you

Please accept this valentine’s wish of love and my promise to be true
