1. 标准病人:标准病人在美国医学教学中已存在30余年,所以每一个考生面临的标准病人具有相同和极为相式的临床病例。标准病人本人只具有普通医学知识常识,所以考生不必关注你所陈述和回答病人问题的严格性和正确性,但要注意对病人的尊重和职业同情心态。
2. 考生方面:考核过程重点在你的诊疗过程,不要把太多时间和工作用在“做出正确诊断”,而应做到整个病例的宏观思维和时间的合理安排。
对每个病例,考生将会得到一份病人的基本资料:描述病人的姓名,年龄、性别、就诊原因及生命体征。考核过程中,最困难的是保持正确的时间进度。 你必须在15分钟内完成整个病情的询问及检查,所以对应该进行的每一步骤应相当熟悉:
Step 2 CS Blueprint: Content Categories - Common and Important Medical problem/Patient Presentation -Acuity -Age -Gender -Race/Ethnicity |
- 介绍及问候:
“Hello, Mr./Ms. Smith, Good morning/Afternoon.”
“I am Dr XX. It’s nice to meet you. ” (握手)
“What brings you to see me today?” or
“What brings you in to day”.
“Could you please describe to me exactly what is going on or what were your problems (issues)?”
- 定位(Location):
“Where is the problem?”或
“Could you please show me exactly where it hurts?”
- 发生时间及时程
为了解病症是急性, 亚急性或性慢性, 应询问:
“When did it first start?”或
“When did you first notice the problem / pain?”
“Was the onset all the sudden or progressive?” 接下来还要询问有关主诉的其他情况;
- 病症强度:
应记录病情的严重性及程度,如果是疼痛,你可询问疼痛程度:轻、中、重, 或用0-10来记录:
“On a scale of 0-10, with 0 being the least painful and 10 being the most painful, how would you scale your pain from 0 to 10?”
- 病症性质:
“How do you describe your pain?”
- 发作频率:
总是询问发作的频率 如:
“Is it constant?”或
“Does it come and go?”
“How often does if occur? How long does it last? How do you feel between attacks?”
- 症状放射性:
“Does the pain go somewhere?”
- 加重与减轻因素
“what were you doing when it first began?”
“Have you ever found anything that makes your pain / problem worse?”
“Do you have any idea of what might have brought this out?”或“what brings it on?”
- 药物治疗及效果
- 过去史:
- 手术史:
- 家族史:
- 个人史:儿童应包括疫苗接种史; 妇女应有血经及生育史;
- 过敏史:
- 当前用药:
体检前总是用肥皂洗手,为节约时间,洗手时仍然保持与标准病人谈话. 绝不要透过患者服装检查. 检查时仅暴露检查部分,其余部分应遮盖;对“女患者”检查心脏时不要表现出犹豫不决,保留胸罩,清SP推起自己的乳房以便听诊心尖部;不要检查乳房, 同时告诉“患者”你准备做的检查,可以这样开始:
“Ok. Mr/Ms. Smith, now I would like to do a physical examination on you. For that, I need to untie your gown. Is that OK with you?”
标准病人(SP):“Yes, it’s ok.”
医生:“Thank you.”
如果SP表示不愿意:你应该解释其检查的重要性,比如:“Mr./Ms. Smith, I understand your feelings, but to clearly understand your problem. I have to do this examination. It won’t take more than 1 minute. Don’t worry, I am here to help you and I will let you know whatever I’m going to do. If you feel hurt, let me know. I’ll stop right away.”
SP可能以面部表情来表示病痛, 检查时要留意SP的表情;
在结束病情资料收集前,应向“SP”说明你的诊治计划和一些相关健康建议, 比如停止吸烟,参加运动或减少体重等等:
“All right, Mr./Ms. Smith, thank you so much for your kind corporation. Now, I’d like to sit down and talk about what I think. First, let me summarize:
· You just told me that … and …. Also, you mentioned that … and …. Is that right?
· According to the information I got from you and the examination, I am considering a couple of possibilities. It may be..(probable diagnosis) or possibly (differential diagnosis).
· I need to run some tests in order to find out exactly what the problem is.
· As soon as I get the results, let’s meet again to go over everything. At that time, I will explain the details and we will talk about your options for treatment. Does this sound OK?
完成病情资料收集后,你有10分钟时间完成病情记录(patient note ). 以下是在进一步检查(work-up)中可能考虑并应注意的治疗计划。 会诊咨询及转诊均不属(work-up).
- 头:X-ray, CT , MRI
- 眼:Snellen’s 表,视力
- 耳:分泌物培养,听力检测 ( audiometric, tympanometry)
- 中枢神经系统:(CNS)
CBC + diff, ESR
X-ray, CT, NRI
Lumbar Puncture
Carotid Doppler Study
EMG and Nerve Conduction Studies
- CBC(Complete Blood Count)/ Coags (PT、 PTT、 INR)
- Urinalysis
- Electrolytes
- Arterial Blood Gas
- Chest x-ray
前面已经讲过,Step 2 CS 相对较Step 1和Step 2 CK 容易。只是大多数中国医学生在学医过程中以自我消化知识为主,所以在以要求表达自我和交流能力为主的Setp 2 CS考核中多少有些吃亏。Step 2 CS 考试的重点并非医学知识,而是interpersonal communication方面,那么从现在起如果你注意培养这方面的能力. 当你把Step 1 和Step 2 CK 考完后,准备Step 2 CS 也就不成问题了。
Step 2 CS Scoring
Data Gathering
Patient Note | Communication Inter Personal Skills | Spoken English Proficiency |
Sample Score Report
Examination Components | Decision |
Integrated Clinical Encounter | Pass |
Communication/Interpersonal Skills | Fail |
Spoken English Proficiency | Pass |
Examination Decision: Fail
Next 三.赴美考试及旅行