
38岁的高龄,干吗从军呢?或许是想为自己开劈一条新河,还是挑战一下已经多年朝9晚5的枯燥乏味的办公室生涯? 我至今无从得知。
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This is something I digged from my old diary. Regarding my relationship with Kwang. As you can tell, some tears and heartbreaks. And I don't know whether other people's lives are any easier.....

Here is some thoughts on 4/29/04...
Yesterday, our bible study group announced that they

would like to seperate to two groups. I think that is

the way how people react to the outbreak of Kwang of

last Wednesdy night when he burst into a big mass.

Raised his voice, and hurting me in front of

everybody, and later on commented on many people


It was just a disgrace. I felt terrible. He is a big

bully. I know many people think he was stupid. Why do

I have to listen to him? I cried and the paster and

many other people came over to comfort me, I felt

terrible. Probably to many people's surprise, we even

got married on Friday. And showed up last night again.
Well, it is part of my fault, because I decided to

stick with him. That day when we went to the court

house, Jim told me that a wise thing people should do

is to decide whether to continue a relationship or end

it. I didn't have the guts. For Shaoyuan's part, I

have already done a lot of things to hurt him, I admit

my sins, and I will leave it to our heavenly father to

forgive me and save me and have God live in me give me

new Christian life, be a good mother first. Dear God,

please give me strength and wisdom and give us love,

and let love fill our hearts, let us not feel the

pain, have mercy on us. Let the bills be taken care


I have mixed feelings. He never set me as his

priority, and why should I? Jane told me that he is

the man, he should take care of his family, but he

never did. Please God, I pray for you to grant me an

open heart and a loving heart to love his two

daughters. Let people respect me and let us have a

peaceful life.
I am doing what I can here to support the family,

house rent and the car payment. What a mess now?

Hongying is right about him?
This is a good way to vent. When two people decide to

get married, they should be responsible to their

I felt better now.