Deep Hope in my heart

I want to use this space to record my thoughts, the emotional feeling that happens in every day activity.
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In the last few years,/> I downloaded many songs of  Dao Lang.  He is so talented and I really like his songs. Tonight,/> I listened to his songs over again. They are so beautifully written and made me want to cry.  I particularly feel some of his songs were written for my current situation.  “A friend from afar”,/> is the one of the best songs. Its melody and words tell a story of Neverland. Life is full of “Wu Nai”.  I feel depressed because I don’t have the courage to pursue what I really love. Facing my wife and kids,/> I cannot tell them the truth. Guilt has been with me for the last few days. Having lived together for so many years and having raised two great kids together,/> our love has been replaced by affection – a long lasting affection. I would never want to hurt my family. I do love them all and love them with my life.  Yet,/> I can not hide my feeling. I feel “Wu Nai”.  
