财经观察 1895 --- Asia is the victim if the bond bubble bursts

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Asia is the victim if the bond bubble bursts
By Yu Qiao

Published: March 31 2009 20:00 | Last updated: March 31 2009 20:00
President Barack Obama is set to urge leaders to boost government spending to save the world economy. European Union countries are expected to focus on fixing lax financial regulatory systems. For Asian countries, however, the key agenda issue is the safety of their assets denominated in dollars, as they look ahead to a devalued dollar from rising US sovereign debt.

Most of Mr Obama’s stimulus spending is devoted to social programmes rather than growth promotion, which may exacerbate America’s over-consumption problem and delay sustainable recovery. On top of this, the unprecedented fiscal stimulus, with the Federal Reserve’s move to inject money into credit markets, contains self-destructive seeds. The US risks ending the dollar’s role as the reserve currency, especially considering there is already $10,000bn (
