Happy Valentine\'s Day 情人节快乐

It’s already March and it is kind of late to write about Valentine’s Day.  My mother- in- law is still sick with cancer.  One of my close friends has been diagnosed with cancer (Lung cancer, kind of late stage), and another close friend has been diagnosed with clinical depression and is taking antidepressant drugs.  I, myself, I believe, am also struggling with depression.  Maybe writing about Valentine’s Day will be a therapeutic experience.

I have made a couple of posts about Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga.  In my opinion, the vampire and werewolf stories that Meyer has penned are essentially a love story.  After watching Twilight the movie, I reread all four of the novels: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn.  I keep copies of them very close, at my night stand and in my bathrooms.  I think Meyer’s stories provided me with an escape from the mundane reality.  Since I am rereading them over and over again, I think I am learning new words and my English is also getting better. I applause Twilight books because it is a celebration of love.

On February 14th I happened to be in New Orleans with some very good old friends.  My friend, whom I consider as a sister, bought a cake from a Vietnamese Bakery for the special occasion.  It is the best cake I have ever tasted.  It was heart shaped, had many fruits, and tasted like heaven.  Yum!  Each time we visit New Orleans, my friends will cook delicious meals.  Each meal is like a banquet.  They are healthy break for my family who has to endure and suffer my poor cooking most of the time.   After each meal, my 4 year old will make comments to the cook such as “Aiyi, your food is awesome! You are a strong cook!”  Or “Aiyi, my tummy is no longer angry.  My tummy is really happy now!” We enjoyed great food and my child’s remarks.

On our way back home, I saw some interesting signs along the interstate highway.   Somebody popped up a poster sign to let everyone who drives on I-10 know that he loves a girl named Sophia.  The big red heart made with marker oozes happy and innocent first love.  Another sign caught my eyes.  Somebody must have died in a car accident and his or her loved one was remembering him/her with beautiful flowers and a gigantic heart at the site of the fatal accident.

May all the souls find their true love.
