美国这次经济上是摔了个大跟头,而且是摔到烂泥坑里,不但摔的是鼻青脸肿,而且是满身稀泥,连身上的西装都摔的破破烂烂,完全没了往日的超级大国的颜面。不但自己摔了,而且还拉着全世界都跟着掉沟里去。G20下个月就要开了,美国还想习惯性的要领导世界一把,可满世界满眼看到的只是咬牙切齿的千夫指,“都赖你!” (It's all because of America. ) 当今世界上,仍然有模有样的站着的就剩中国了。
我认为,往下的发展,从最乐观的观点看应该是,去年底的大型银行的大面积亏损是银行主动的决定,在最短的时间里用最快的速度撇除坏帐(write down, or write off)以逼迫政府出手相救,而不是慢慢一点点漏出坏消息,冷水煮青蛙。所以,大部分的坏消息已经接近出尽,剩下的就是越来越多的好消息。当金融体系逐步恢复功能后,实体经济也就开始逐步起死回生。当然这次金融风暴的其一后果是金融业的降低杠杆过程,这会使本次的经济危机的恢复比起往次显的更漫长。
I study in Baltimore where a lot of poor people live. I always think that USA also has a big market for domestic demand ("Nei Xu"). If the poor people can be better educated, better trained and increase their demand for consumption, they can also be a very strong power of economical increase. This is very different than Japan. My 2 cents.
回到原点 发表评论于
如你说: 至少在十年至二十年之内,美国仍然是世界上最大,最强的国家.
太短了! 我们已经美国化了的孩子们怎末半, 穷啦!
thrawn 发表评论于
"说是一招险棋,因为这招不可多用,也不可常用"? true, but US did this more than a few times since WWII.
chipmonks 发表评论于
The writer has very good points about the recovery of America. The country is always resilient and ready to bounce back. Ya' nay sayers will watch risk takers in this environment laughing all the way to the banks the next 2 to 3 years! Now it's the perfect time to get in the market!
US dollar won't get depreciated in this crisis because Europe will soon follow the step of printing money. When the world is flowing with liquidity, which country will benefit the most?
Please keep in mind that China is still an exporting economy. Until it has a sizable domestic market to support the growth, any idea of catching up with America is dreaming.
Remember, America is the capitalist, and China is the laborer. Who's making the rules of the game? Of course, the CAPITALIST!
I totally agree with your points. Yes we are seeing the bad things happening day and day look like we are in the end of world. But from my job,I really touch something complete different from what we see from the media, that is other side of America. Yes,there are and will be the highest U-E rate after WW-II, there are a lot financial collapse among many business organizations, but when I have opportunity to deal with something in regard to the American fundamental issue, I found that the American foundation is still the strongest in the world. On the other hand, my job also connects with the company business in China and I see anther picture which is really disappointed to me. From my experience I would say if China could do sth better than Brazil, that would be great an achievement.
For the most part, forecasters don't see U.S. economic growth turning positive until early autumn, and even then, expect the unemployment rate to hit double digits this year or next.
Please, IF there is no bailout at all, BoA and Citi will be gone by now.
,,,,,, 发表评论于
更正:BOA 2月还了$420 million TARP money.(年内能还清)
,,,,,, 发表评论于
好文。 美金融业不是媒体说得那末糟。 都想早还清TARP, 也有能早还清。BOA 2月害了$420 million TARP money. 媒体报了了吗? 政府倾向不要加速还。 因为还帐多了, 可以用于贷款促进经济发展的钱就少了。。。美国的金融业是跨不了的。 金融危机给金融股带来千载难逢的好几会!CITI从不到$1, 到现在$3+, BOA从不到$3, 到现在$7....这不是一叶绿草吗?我好高兴啊!Potfolioy已经翻了好几翻了.朋友们, 不要坐在那里抱怨,叹息.自己的救世主是自己. find opportunity, do something... when winter comes, spring is not far...
hercules007 发表评论于
“我认为,往下的发展,从最乐观的观点看应该是,去年底的大型银行的大面积亏损是银行主动的决定,在最短的时间里用最快的速度撇除坏帐(write down, or write off)以逼迫政府出手相救,而不是慢慢一点点漏出坏消息,冷水煮青蛙。所以,大部分的坏消息已经接近出尽”。 wishful thinking! If the major part of the toxic assets are already been written down, they would have, and the US government would have disclosed the whole lot, the FED would have no problem disclosing the recipients of the bailout money.
you still believe the cheerleader mainstream media. The US mainstream media is no longer independent. google out John Williams/shadow statistics, James Sinclair, financialsense.com, and read some critical analysis there.
The strength of the US comes from its army. Strip the US of its armed forces and the US dollar will crumble, the US government will collapse, and the whole country declared bankrupt.
cathy_peter 发表评论于
haha 发表评论于
sorry, disagree with you. you have tooooo much confidence in USA system. USA is not as good as it looks like. it is sinking just like roman empire. no question about it.
I do not know much about economic, but feel the analysis is reasonable and logical. Patriotism is good, but being calm donw anytime is more important, you did it!