今天晚上,在纽约曼哈顿的林肯中心音乐厅将有一场别致的音乐会,那就是来自于中国的青年男中低音歌唱家沈洋的独唱音乐会。出生于1984年3月20日的这个天津男孩子,已经是两年前BBC卡迪夫声乐比赛的“世界歌唱家”的唯一金奖获得者,当时,他才23岁,是该比赛中最年轻的获奖人。沈洋小小年纪, 获得如此大奖, 前途无量 ! 正如周小燕先生所言:"这是件了不起的事情!" 可喜可贺! 沈洋是中国人的骄傲 ! ! !
Shen Yang plays the role of Masetto from Opera "Don Giovanni" in Met Opera House
美国的著名女高音歌唱家Renée Fleming去中国演出时,在上海音乐学院的周小燕歌剧中心发现了这个身高一米九二,膀大腰圆,一脸的质朴孩子气,却“一鸣惊人”的罕见的男中低音歌手。由于天后级歌唱家的推荐,沈洋来到了美国纽约,得到了大都会歌剧院和朱莉亚特音乐学院的高度赏识,并得到了这两家联手举办的青年艺术家培训项目。今天是沈洋25岁生日,他将以他宽厚的声音和扎实的演唱技巧向全世界歌唱!
视频: 沈洋在卡迪夫声乐比赛come dal ciel precipita
2007年06月19日16:18 新民晚报
低男中音沈洋,1984年出生,天津人,师从上海音乐学院声乐系副主任顾平教授。从6月8日起,他与来自世界各国的其他24名选手一起,面对9 位由欧美声乐权威组成的评委会,在圣大卫音乐厅参加卡迪夫比赛。沈洋在今年4月和5月,分别参加了美国女高音芮妮·弗莱明和意大利声乐大师贝尔冈齐的大师班,受到了两位前辈的指点而信心大增。到了卡迪夫,看到其他国家的选手大多早已在歌剧舞台崭露头角,心里不免有点紧张,但在陪同的顾平教授、杨雪兰等人的鼓励下,这位胖乎乎的年轻人又恢复了平时嘻嘻哈哈的乐观情绪,一身轻松地登上了比赛舞台。
5位决赛选手分别来自英国、匈牙利、澳大利亚、智利和中国,沈洋的年龄是最小的,有几位选手的年龄比沈洋大整10岁。当地时间17日晚上7:30,在BBC交响乐团的伴奏下,每位选手轮流上台演唱3首歌剧选段。沈洋演唱的威尔第的《麦克白》和莫扎特的《魔笛》咏叹调,都引起了全场的热烈反响。最后演唱的是拉赫玛尼诺夫的歌剧《阿列科》中的《谣唱曲》。20多年前,他父亲沈玉华在天津音乐学院声乐系的毕业演唱作品,正是这首曲目,因此,他的获奖也成了前天父亲节的最好礼物。比赛结束时,沈洋一下子被媒体记者和经纪人包围,他甚至来不及知道自己是否获得第 1名。但是看到如此多的人围着他,他知道发生了什么。因此,等到他把水晶奖杯捧在手中后,马上找到了顾平教授,让老师一起分享他的喜悦和成功。(本报记者杨建国 )

经过试听以后,全世界范围只选出25名歌手来英国参加正式比赛。参加决赛的只有五名选手,决赛评审小组成员包括女中音法斯班德尔(Brigitte Fassbaender)以及男中音 哈格加德 (Hakan Hagegard)这些全世界最优秀的声乐专家。
他获得了世界歌手称号 (Singer of the World), 获赠 卡地夫奖杯 (Cardiff Trophy), 并获得与BBC以及威尔士国立歌剧院的演出合同。
决赛于周日晚间在卡地夫圣戴维音乐厅(St David’s Hall)举行,整个音乐厅座无虚席,气氛热烈。
沈洋与来自匈牙利的天才歌手莫尔纳 ( Levente Molnar)出类拔萃。据专业人士说,这两人高水平的演唱令人想起1989年时这项大赛中另两位优秀的男中音特费尔 (Bryn Terfel)与霍弗洛斯托夫斯基(Dmitri Hvorostovsky)之间经典的精彩对决。
“I think the competition is not only a competition-it's a big singing party in the world.”(我觉得这项比赛不仅仅是一项比赛,而是世界上的一次歌唱盛会。)
谈到偶像,沈洋说他有两个偶像。一个已故德国指挥家福特万格勒 (Wilhelm Furtwangler )。 沈洋说此人是他“在音乐上的精神导师”, “在音乐内涵的理解上”对他帮助很大。
他的另一位偶像是德国歌唱家汉斯•霍特 (Has Hotter)。沈洋说此人对他在演唱事业上帮助很大。这次他参赛演唱的《普罗米修斯》,一般不太被人演唱,但汉斯•霍特唱过,而且唱得很好,沈洋听霍特的录音受益很大。
By 涂怡岚
“BBC卡迪夫世界歌唱家大赛”是全球最高级别声乐比赛之一,每隔两年在英国威尔士首府卡迪夫举办。卡迪夫国际声乐比赛(BBC Cardiff Singer of the World)被《2007年文化部鼓励参加的国际艺术比赛项目》确定为一类比赛即声乐类的最高层级国际比赛。
2007“BBC卡迪夫世界歌唱家大赛”于6月9日到17日在英国卡迪夫举行。全球报名参赛者超过1000人,通过筛选,实际参加比赛的有677人,经过初赛,全世界范围最终决出25名选手赴英国参加正式比赛,通过竞争激烈的比赛,最终5名佼佼者进入了决赛,奖项设置上,该比赛的大奖只有唯一一名(该比赛不设二、三等奖)。大赛评委会成员包括女高音:贡多拉亚·诺维茨(Gundula Janowitz);女中音:法斯班德尔(Brigitte Fassbaender)以及男中音 :哈格加德 (Hakan Hagegard)等全世界最优秀的声乐专家。
今年参加“BBC卡迪夫世界歌唱家大赛”的25名选手具有相当高的水平,大都是职业歌剧演员,已经在歌剧舞台上崭露头角,并已经在众多国际声乐大赛中获得奖项,如西班牙巴塞罗那弗朗切斯科声乐大赛第一名; 莫扎特维尔茨堡声乐比赛特别奖;莫斯科国际声乐比赛金奖等。
决赛于6月17日晚在卡迪夫圣戴维音乐厅(St David’s Hall)举行,整个音乐厅坐满国际声乐界人士和爱好声乐的听众,对于他们来说,这场精彩的比赛无疑是一场声音的飨宴、艺术的盛会。由于沈洋在之前比赛的突出表现,使得他成为全场瞩目的焦点。和沈洋一样受到关注的还有来自匈牙利的天才歌唱家莫尔纳 ( Levente Molnar)。最终,年轻的沈洋获得本届“BBC卡迪夫世界歌唱家比赛”金奖,为学校、为祖国赢得了荣誉。

沈洋获得的是“世界歌手称号”(Singer of the World),获赠卡迪夫奖杯(Cordiff Trophy),1.5万英镑奖金,并获得与BBC以及威尔士国立歌剧院的演出合同。

在天津音乐学院附中读书的三年,沈洋几乎是沉浸在音乐的世界里。白天,人们在校园中看到的是沈洋手捧一本音乐类书籍、还听着CD机中播放的音乐;晚上,回到家继续听音乐、看书、看歌剧总谱。那时候沈洋几乎每天还要在音乐网站“魔术号角”上发帖子,直到读大学之前,沈洋在这个网站上的发帖量始终在前十名…… 现在沈洋已经没有时间和精力在网站上发表自己的音乐观点了,但生活中对于沈洋最重要的事情之一还是去收集各种音乐碟片。从7年前至今沈洋到底买了多少音乐碟片恐怕连他自己也数不清了。因此当有人间他你这么小小年纪就出唱片时,沈洋打趣地说,我买了那么多碟,也该我自己出一张了吧。

(From: 俞建芬的声乐园地 15:32
Shen Yang plays the role of Masetto from Opera "Don Giovanni" in Met Opera House
Dec 31, 2007 ... 23-Year-Old Baritone Shen Yang Named BBC Cardiff Singer of the World ... names in the business, currently at the Metropolitan in New York. ...
23-Year-Old Baritone Shen Yang Named BBC Cardiff Singer of the World
Shen Yang, a 23-year-old bass-baritone from Tianjin, China, has won the BBC Cardiff Singer of the World competition. He received the award from the event's patron, Joan Sutherland, at the conclusion of the finals last night at St. David's Hall in the Welsh capital.
His prizes include £15,000 (an increase of £5,000 from the previous competition in 2005), a trophy from Welsh Royal Crystal and engagements with the BBC and with Welsh National Opera.
— Read more at PlaybillArts [2007-06-22]
Shen Yang, winner of the 2007 BBC Cardiff Singer of the World competition.
23-Year-Old Baritone Shen Yang Named BBC Cardiff Singer of the World
By Matthew Westphal
18 Jun 2007
Shen Yang, a 23-year-old bass-baritone from Tianjin, China, has won the BBC Cardiff Singer of the World competition. He received the award from the event's patron, Joan Sutherland, at the conclusion of the finals last night at St. David's Hall in the Welsh capital.
His prizes include £15,000 (an increase of £5,000 from the previous competition in 2005), a trophy from Welsh Royal Crystal and engagements with the BBC and with Welsh National Opera.
This is Shen Yang's third competition win in 2007 alone: he also took top honors at the chamber opera event at Schloss Rheinsberg in Germany and the L'Orfeo competition in Verona. He was the youngest of the six finalists in Cardiff this year.
Each of the other finalists — soprano Miranda Keys of Australia, mezzo María Isabel Vera of Chile, baritone Levente Molnár of Hungary and soprano Elizabeth Watts of Great Britain — received the £2,500 Richard Lewis Award. (The value of that grant has been increased by £500 from 2005.)
Watts also won the Rosenblatt Recital Song Prize, which had a separate final held Friday night (June 15). She receives £5,000 and a recital in the prestigious Rosenblatt Recital Series at St. John's Smith Square, London.
The winner of the £2,500 Audience Prize, selected by a vote of listeners on radio, television and the Web as well as in the hall, was baritone Jacques Imbrailo of South Africa, who did not advance to the final round.
The Cardiff event has helped launch a number of impressive careers. Previous winners of the Singer of the World title include Karita Mattila (who triumphed in the inaugural competition in 1983), Lisa Gasteen and Guang Yang; the 2005 winner was Nicole Cabell. Most famous is the result of the 1989 competition, in which Dmitri Hvorostovsky edged out Bryn Terfel for top honors; Terfel took the song recital award, then called the Lieder Prize.
时间: Friday, March 20 at 8 PM
地点:Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall (on the corner of 65th Street and Broadway in Manhattan.)
Tickets are $20 and $15 and available beginning on February 20 at the Alice Tully Hall Box Office or through CenterCharge at (212) 721-6500. Half-price discounted tickets for students and seniors are available at the Juilliard Box Office, located at 155 West 65th Street in the lobby. TDF vouchers are accepted.
25-year-old Juilliard bass-baritone, Chinese-born Shenyang is the winner of the School's prestigious 2008-09 Alice Tully Vocal Arts Debut Recital Award, making his New York recital debut on Friday, March 20, 2009 at 8 PM in Alice Tully Hall with pianist Vlad Iftinca. The program, which pays tribute to the esteemed German bass-baritone Hans Hotter - whose centenary was in January - features lieder by Schubert, Carl Loewe, Brahms, and Wolf. (The complete program follows at the end of this press release.) Shenyang is in his second year as a member of the Metropolitan Opera's Lindemann Young Artist Development Program and the Juilliard Opera Center.
In April 2009, he makes his Metropolitan Opera debut as Masetto in Don Giovanni. Earlier this season, Shenyang sang Brahms' Liebeslieder Walzer at Carnegie Hall with James Levine and Daniel Barenboim. He appeared in the Juilliard Opera Center production of Trilogy in November 2008, singing two of the three leading roles in this compilation of a trio of one-act portraits of marriage, conducted and conceived by James Conlon. This past January 2009, Shenyang gave a solo recital in Wales, singing in Cardiff's new Hoddinhott Hall, prompting critic Rian Evans of The Guardian to write, [Shenyang in his group of Wolf lieder] "revealed a dramatic instinct that was spellbinding, unleashing his fullest and most glorious sound."
Almost 25-years-old (His birthday is March 20, the day of his Tully debut recital.), Shenyang already has compiled an impressive roster of credits and awards. This past summer, he participated in the Young Singers Project at the Salzburg Festival. He was named the 2007 BBC Cardiff Singer of the World and won the 2008 Borletti-Buitoni Trust Award. Other first place prizes include the Fifth Shanghai International Opera Master Class in China; the Chamber Opera of Schloss Rheinsberg Opera Competition; the Verona L'Orfeo Singing Competition; and as Masetto in Don Giovanni at the International Opera Competition in Verona.
Shenyang's operatic roles include Masetto in Don Giovanni at Verona Philharmonic Theatre and Zhou Xiaoyan International Opera Center in 2005 and Don Alfonso in Così fan tutte in France and Germany with Berliner Sibelius Orchestra in 2006. At Juilliard, he sang the role of Podkolyosin in The Marriage and the role of Yakov Matveeeyevich Ivanov in Rothschild's Violin in Trilogy in November 2008. He also has taken part in many concerts, including the Modern Chamber Music Concert at the Eastern-Asia Music Festival in Korea and the Beijing Music Festival.
Shenyang sang the solo in Rossini's Stabat Mater at Santa Cecilia in Rome with Antonio Pappano conducting. In the last two years, he has made several recordings, including Super Bass and Winterreise (a Chinese premiere), which were released by FengLin Records Company.
Born to a musical family in Tianjin - his parents were both singers, Shenyang studied at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, and at Zhou Xiaoyan Opera Center in China under the guidance of Professor Ping Gu.
Juilliard's 12th annual Alice Tully Vocal Arts Debut Recital is supported by a generous gift from the Alice Tully Foundation and returns this season to the newly renovated Alice Tully Hall. Past recipients of the Alice Tully Vocal Arts Debut Recital include: Jennifer Aylmer, William Ferguson, Sari Gruber, Stephanie Houtzeel, Mariana Karpatova, Brenda Patterson, Randall Scarlata, Raquela Sheeran, Lauren Skuce, Katherine Whyte, and Sarah Wolfson.
About Juilliard Vocal Arts
One of America's most prestigious programs for educating singers, The Juilliard School's Department of Vocal Arts offers young artists programs tailored to their talents and needs. From bachelor and master of music degrees to advanced artist diploma programs in voice and opera studies, Juilliard provides frequent performance opportunities, featuring singers in its own recital halls, on Lincoln Center's stages, and around New York City. In its nearly 77 year-history, Juilliard's opera department has presented numerous premieres of new operas as well as works from the standard repertoire.
Juilliard graduates may be heard in opera houses and concert halls throughout the world; diverse alumni artists include well-known performers such as Edie Adams, John Aler, Sasha Cooke, Jan DeGaetani, Faith Esham, Simon Estes, Lauren Flanigan, Renée Fleming, Nanette Fabray, Anthony Dean Griffey, Barbara Hendricks, Hei-Kyung Hong, Gwendolyn Killebrew, Michael Maniaci, Audra McDonald, Susanne Mentzer, Leona Mitchell, Leontyne Price, Florence Quivar, Neil Rosenshein, Risë Stevens, Tatiana Troyanos, Shirley Verrett, Veronica Villarroel, and Robert White, among others.
In February 2008, Juilliard and the Metropolitan Opera announced a joint training program to identify and educate the finest young opera singers and accompanists, preparing them for careers in the world's great opera houses. The newly-named Metropolitan Opera Lindemann Young Artist Development Program in Partnership with The Juilliard School was announced by Peter Gelb, the Met's General Manager, and Joseph W. Polisi, President of Juilliard. Met Music Director James Levine will serve as the program's Artistic Director, and Brian Zeger, Artistic Director of Juilliard Vocal Arts, will serve as Executive Director. The program begins with the 2010-2011 season.
On discussing the Met/Juilliard partnership and Shenyang, Mr. Zeger remarked: "Shenyang is an enormous talent who benefits from his participation in both the Metropolitan Opera Lindemann Young Artists Program and the vocal program at Juilliard. At the Met, he has the advantage of personal contact and instruction with James Levine and many other talented coaches and teachers. At Juilliard, he can take advantage of another spectrum of teachers and coaches and be cast in leading roles in a variety of opera projects."
Shenyang, bass-baritone
Friday, March 20, 2009, 8 PM, Alice Tully Hall
Alice Tully Vocal Arts Debut Recital
Franz Schubert Der Wanderer, D. 493
Gruppe aus dem Tartarus, D. 396
Am Bach im Frühlinge, D. 361
Wandrers Nachtlied I, D. 224
Der Zwerg, D. 771, Op. 22, No. 1
Carl Loewe Tom der Reimer, Op. 135a
Erlkönig, Op. 1, No. 3
Odins Meeresrit, Op. 118
Johannes Brahms Sonntag, Op. 47 (Fünf Lieder), No. 3
Feldeinsamkeit, Op. 86 (Sechs Lieder), No. 2
Botschaft, Op. 47 (Fünf Lieder), No. 1
Hugo Wolf Der Genesene an die Hoffnung
Der Feuerreiter
Ganymed Grenzen der Menschheit
(By Lunamia收藏)