NND,九点才进办公室,被迈克嘲笑一句,Good afternoon!
昨日电视里就万分恐怖的预告道,晚间将有一场12到15寸厚的普天大雪,南起阿拉巴马,北至梅因州都将受到牵连。儿子学校也早早的来了关门电话,连在亚特兰大的女儿也夸张地说她那儿的snow is so big。
嗨~~今年的冬天怎么就没完没了那呢。且说这雪,偶尔下之,不失为浪漫,常尔下之,真真的让人厌烦。也难怪一向对俺痴人说梦,有朝一日中了什么大奖后要如何如何的憧憬颇不以为然的老公,昨日忽然对俺痴语道,等俺们有了钱,一定去南方买栋房子!那是当然,俺跟着起哄,还得买在车子开得到的地方,像俺过去的老板那样,冬天夏天两头跑跑,New England的春夏秋还是可以待待的。
犹豫片刻,要不要清理一下,那多麻烦,算了吧,冲!一踩油门,嗖了出去,嚓的一声,一头扎到雪堆里。 进也不是,退更不得,俺又栽了!去年干过一回,幸得邻居英雄救眉越过一坎,今天可没什么戏,要靠俺老人家自个儿了。下得车来巡视了一遍,整部车子一半已在路上,一半尚在车道中,左前轮无望地卡在了邮箱边高高的雪堆里。嗨,水平问题,单就偏了这么一尺,活该卡在雪壳里。

人體50 ~ 59歲.....是急劇衰老期
為什麼人體 急劇衰老期是50~59歲
血液循環對人體健康有重大影響,因為身體的器官組織均需要充裕的養分與足夠的氧才能正常咦鳎??貉?h正是扮演輸送的角色,一旦血液循環差,器官組織得不到適當的補給,自然會功能下降。根據研究,人體的血液循環,尤其是微循環系統會隨著年齡增加而逐漸功能減緩。 30-40歲下降一坡,40~49歲再下降一坡,至 50 ~ 59歲會有明顯的退化表現, 通常50歲以上的人容易感覺體力大不如前, 容易勞累。 如果50~59歲還自認寶刀未老,未能及時調整工作或生活、飲食方式,那麼到了60~69歲所有病號便紛紛出弧?據臨床統 計,60~69歲是各種疾病發病的高峰期,如高血壓、糖尿病、動脈硬化、冠心病、白內障、慢性支氣管炎及癌症等疾病, 最容易在這個年齡層發生,但大部分的人在45歲前都是非常健康的。 如果50歲以後人體便衰竭下去,那麼50歲以後的人生也未免太無色彩吧! 其實人體在70歲之後,身體又將趨於正常, 衰老現象趨於平緩。 換句話說,如果50~59歲能善加保養,降低身體機能老化程度,有助避開60~69歲的疾病危險期。到了70之後便可以真正健康有活力地享受 「人生七十才開始」的生活,且延年益壽。 50~59歲的人如何做健康準備 ? 醫師與保健專家建議,50~59歲的人要先建立防衰老的準備,減少不必要的應酬,避開容易影響健康的刺激性行為,飲食求清淡規律,不過度勞累,不加重生理與心理的負擔。
An eventful day!
In morning my head felt so dizzy while I was at the ladies' room. It felt like the floor is spining clockwise fast. I had to use right arm agaist the wall to hold myself from falling. Don't know if it's from period 6/23.
Saw a news on yahoo a movie star name Farrah Fawcett from Charlies Angel died in the morning. On the way home heard the news on the radio about Michael Jackson was rashed to the hospital for a cadiac arrest (some sort of heart attach). Got home and prepared super and heard the news on TV said Jackson died. Then spyts called and said there was a big problem....he missed his flight. OMG! He had 3 hours at the airport and still managed to miss his flight. Here is the story he told me…..
He arrived at SF at around 10:30am. The connecting flight to Boston was at 1:40pm. He told me he did try to change on an earlier flight but wasn’t so lucky….there were 7 other guys ahead of him on the standby list. So he settled back and waited for his original flight. After 2+ hours of waiting finally it’s the check in time. At this very moment he felt the urge of going to the bathroom but hesitated to do so. He must have told the guy next to him about his dilemma and the guy said to him better to go now than later. So he did! Guess what…..when he came back, the gate was closed and the gate person wouldn’t open up the door for him.
Cooked four dishes for just two of us. Originally was going to make three then added extra one for the fear that there were not enough meat for ER. He got home and told me he wasn't so hungry since he and Ben just went to Qusinos and had big sub at 5. So here I was, with 4 dishes just for myself. ER said he will go to Nic's 9 o'clock game and try to see if coach will let him play. When he got back he was so happy. Now he can play two teams 4 days a week.