(象牙啄木鸟因为长着一只象牙色的大啄而得名,黑白相间的翅膀上有着醒目的白色斑点,身高约有50厘米,翅膀展开可达80厘米,是世界上体型最大的一种啄木鸟。雄性头上有红色的鸟冠。象牙啄木鸟曾经在1944年被定为“灭绝品种”。但是,2004年2月11日,一位观鸟者在阿肯色州卡什河国家野生动物保护区旅行的时候,无意中看到了已经销声匿迹60年的象牙啄木鸟。象牙啄木鸟要觅食的对象是林中最高的大树,尤其是庞大的柏树丛。因此,象牙啄木鸟在一定程度上被看作是森林环境被保护优劣的标志。from -- internet)
Title: The lord god bird
Artist: Sufjan Stevens
In the delta sun, down in Arkansas
It's the great god bird with its altar call
And the sewing machine, the industrial god
On the great bayou where they saw it fall
It's the great god bird down in Arkansas
And the hunters beware, o'er the fisher's fowl
And paradise might close from its safe flight flawed
It's the great god bird through it all
And the watchers beware, lest they see it foal
And paradise might laugh when at last it falls
And the sewing machine, the industrial god
It's the great god bird with its altar call
Yes, it's the great god bird with its altar call
Yes, it's the great god bird through it all
Sufjan Stevens
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sufjan Stevens (pronounced /712;su720;fjɑ720;n/, born July 1, 1975) is an American singer-songwriter and musician from Petoskey, Michigan. Stevens first began releasing his music on the Asthmatic Kitty label, a label he formed with his stepfather, beginning with the 2000 release A Sun Came. He is best known for his 2005 album Illinois, which hit #1 in the Billboard Top Heatseekers chart, and for the song "Chicago".