日式炸猪肋排 - Ton-katsu, deep-fried pork cutlets
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材料: serves 4 people
4 - 1” thick boneless pork loin chops, 猪肋排
¼ cup salt,盐,
¼ cup sugar, 糖,
4 cup cold water,水,
¼ 杯 flour,面粉,
2 个egg, 蛋打散,
1杯 Panko bread crumb, 干白面包屑,
Sauce: 用买的也行, 我觉得买的酱略甜一点, 自己调的也方便, 更好吃.
¼ cup Worcestershire sauce, 西式辣酱油,
¼ cup tomato ketchup,番茄酱,
2 TB low salt soy sauce, 淡盐酱油,
1 tsp sugar,糖,
Salad side:
3 cup shredded cabbage, 包菜丝,
½ cup shredded carrots,胡萝卜丝,
Rice ball side: make about 8 balls, use mold or hand to shape the balls
4 cup cooked sushi rice, 饭,
4 tb seaweed rice seasoning, 海苔拌饭粉,
3 tb sushi rice seasoning, 寿司醋, (optional)
1 tb toasted sesame seeds, 熟芝麻,
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2 块厚猪肋排, 一切二成一寸厚的猪排, 肥肉边用刀画开, 防缩卷, 可略拍几下会更嫩, 我懒就免了, 还是拍拍好.
放进加了盐和糖的冷水里, 进冰箱泡过夜,
取出猪排用纸巾擦干水, 先拍上面粉,掸掉多余的, 再粘上蛋液, 再滚上面包屑, 进350F 的热花生油炸锅, 炸8-10分种, 金黄,取出, 不烫手时, 切条块, 装盘享用.
注: 盐水泡过的猪排容易熟, 我切得比餐馆里用的较厚一点, 喜欢嫩和有水份, 不会太干太柴, 爱吃酥脆的可切薄一点, 再拍打一下, 炸老一点,看个人喜爱.
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