NB, NS, P.E.I.(旅游)Travel Plan:

打印 被阅读次数

NB: http://www.tourismnewbrunswick.ca
PEI/>/>: http://www.peiplay.com
NS: http://novascotia.com
NF: http://www.gov.nf.ca/tourism

Fredericton />area 506 451-6001
Moncton/> area 506 851-6610
Saint John/> area 506 636-4991
Miramichi area 506 773-7045
Bathurst/> area 06 548-3220
Acadian/> Peninsula/>/> area 506 336-3838

Day 1, Montreal/>/> –--- Shippagan (NB) 926km

MTL ----(HIGHWAY20 132)-- --Campbellton (NB, 732km) ----HIGHWAY 11-- Bathurst/>/> -- HIGHWAY 11 & 113---- Shippagan


1. Campbellton: -- Restigouche Sam, The Salmon Festival (June 28-July 7)
2. CAMPBELLTON, 这里的峡湾是世界上最美的两个峡湾之一 ( 另一个是挪威的大峡湾 )

3. ACADIEN historic village, 领略阿卡第亚人 , 古朴民风(near Bertrand)

14311 Road 11,

P.O. Box/> 5626
, Caraquet (N.-B.), E1W 1B7, Canada/>/>
Tel. : (506) 726-2600
Fax. : (506) 726-2601
Toll free: 1-877-721-2200

4. Shippagan: -- the Aquarium and Marine Centre

NB information centre tel. 1 800 561-0123
• Customs Services-General Inquires & Information- 1-800-461-9999
• Weather-1-506-658-2558



1. Super 8 Campbellton/> Nb/> 26 Duke Street Campbellton, NB E3N 2K3 Canada/>/> 1-877-477-5817
2 . Comfort Inn Campbellton 111 Val D'amour Rd Campbellton, NB E3N 5B9 Canada/> 1-877-477-5817
* Bathurst />/>附近:

Comfort Inn Bathurst 1170 St. Peter Ave., Bathurst/>, NB, CA/>, E2A 2Z9/>/>

*Shippagan 附近:

*Motel Brise Marine 506-336-2276 172 1ère St./> Shippagan New BrunswickE8S 1T1

Single: $70.00 - $80.00
Double: $75.00 - $85.00
Twin: $85.00 - $95.00
Extra person/per night: $5.00 - $10.00

*Camping Shippagan:

506-336-3960 586 Haut-Shippagan Rd.
/>Haut-ShippaganNew Brunswick/>/>

Fully-serviced sites: $25.00 Semi-serviced sites: $22.00

Day 2, Shippagan –---- Moncton --------- --388km

Shippagan –11-- Miramichi –11-- Bouctouche –11-- Shediac –15-- Moncton –114--Hopewell Cape –114-- Moncton


1. Bouctouche: Eco-Centre Irving/>, 1932 Route 475, St. Edouard de Kent/>, NB/>, E4S 4W9/>/>, 506-743-2600.

2. Hopewell/>~Cape: Hopewell />/>~Rocks潮涨潮落观岩石柱 也是全世界潮汐落差最大的地方 ;

3. Moncton/>/> 探索磁力山 (Magnetic Hill) 的奥秘; (Just off the TCH #2)

4. Moncton Market,

120 Westmorland St.
/>(just off
Main St
5. Fundy国家公园( FundyNationalPark): 公园里有不同的 HikingTrail, 有的观赏公园里丰富的植物种类 , 有的观赏海岸边千姿百态的岩石 . 506~8876000, 8642 Route 114 Alma/>/> E4H 1B4


1. Moncton Scenic Motel Double: $50.00 - $75.00 , 506-384-6105, 47910 Route 128, Moncton/>, E1G 2R5/>/>

2. Bonaccord House Bed & Breakfast, $60.00 - $65.00, 506-388-1535,

250 Bonaccord St./> Moncton/>, E1C 5M6/>

3.Magnetic Hill Bed & Breakfast, $70.00 - $90.00, 506-854-1231, 921 Front/> Mountain/> Rd.Moncton/>, E1G 3H2/>/>

4. Beacon Light Motel, Double: $80.00 - $105.00, 506-384-1734,

1062 Mountain Rd.
/>Moncton/>, E1C 2T1/>

Pine Ridge Campground, $30.00, 506-855-6938, 4421 Route 126,Gallagher Ridge,New Brunswick, E1G 3A1

Camper's City Prop. Inc. $29.00 - $44.00, 506-384-7867 , 138 Queensway Dr.MonctonE1G 2L2

Day 3, Moncton –---- Charlottetown ---- 191km
Moncton ---- Confederation Bridge ($38.5) & TransCanada Charlottetown


1.Shediac:LargestLobster, 经过 " 龙虾村 " , 在村附近吃龙虾, Shediac参观世界最大的龙虾雕像;

2. Moncton />~~~~ Cape />~D’or 的景色和 Cape`Breton 差不多美 , 只是风格不同 . 这里的岩石含很高质量的铜 , 在附近海滩能拣到纯的小铜块或者碧玉 . 这里还有很多远古的化石 , 有世界上落差最大的潮汐 .
3. PEI省府夏洛特敦市(Charlottetown)市区浏览;

  1. Founders Hall了解加拿大联邦如何诞生;
  2. Charlottetown />/>Farmer's Market, (902) 626-3373,
    100 Belvedere Avenue


Garden Gate Inn, 800 465-5556, 902 368-3697 , 639 University Ave. Charlottetown/> PE/>, C1E 1E5/>/>

Sherwood Motel , (800) 567-1622, (902) 892-2358, $45-87, 281 Brackley Point Rd.Charlottetown/> PE/>, C1E 2A3/>/>

1. Bay Vista Motel & Cottage, 963-2225,(800) 846-0601,

9517 Cavendish Rd. West />,Cavendish/> PE/>,C0A 1E0/>

2. Anne />Shirley/> Motel/> and Cottages, (800) 561-4266,(902) 368-3117,Cavendish Jct 6&13,Cavendish/> PE/>/>,C0A1M0 3 . Lakeview Lodge & Cottages, 902) 963-2436, (800) 565-7550,

8715 Cavendiish Road
/>,Route 6 unter River RR1 Cavendish />, PE/> C0A 1N0/> />

Day 4, PEI/>/>

到了红色土地的 " 爱德华王子岛 " ,在这个岛上到处都是红泥的土地,到处是农庄,到处是牛群,到处是土豆 …… 这里盛产的是土豆!沿路上看到不少平时常见的薯片牌子的工厂,如: Lays,Humpy Dumpy……
— Cavendish Beach 的红土海岸应该是 PI 的精华。建议住在 Cavendish 的 NATIONAL PARK ( Camping ),早上可以看日出,踏着浪花漫步沙滩,晚上枕着海涛声入眠。。。 ( 或者租附近的 Cottage 也是不错的选择 )
— 驾车沿环岛公路遛一圈,沿途可以观赏 PI 的 红土海岸,风格迥异的灯塔及田园风光。


1.CavendishBeach ; Cavendish 附近的 National Park 游玩。走走在沙滩上建的木长廊,享受沙滩,海水. 爱德华国家公园, Cavendish is C0A 1N0

2. Anne of Green Gables博物馆 参观安妮的小木屋 (Park Corner, Route 20, 15 mins west of Cavendish); 这里有条很美的海边小路,穿过芦苇荡,穿过沙丘,把你引到涛浪声的红礁石上。再脱了鞋,赤脚踏上绵绵的沙滩,漫步夕阳下,倾听海的细语 …… 在王子岛上开着车沿岸边的公路一溜开去,看着海与农庄十分的和谐,是一种平静的美。特别是远眺麦田尽头,看着大海边上的屋子,让人很向往那个地方。

3. 品尝North Rustico 的Fisherman ’ s Wharf (North Rustico/>)龙虾沙拉大餐, 这里有很多的生耗和青口! 或自购龙虾品鲜品到码头.

4. Brackley beach 的水比较暖, 开车前往 East Point。 />

5. cabot beach park, the beach is nice and quiet.

6. NorthCape开去 NorthCape ,开车走走乡村路,并沿西边的海岸往下开到 Charlottetown.

Cavendish----------- Charlottetown/> 30mins
Charlottetown/>------- North Cape 2hrs
Charlottetown/>/>------- Summerside 1hr

PEI />/>information centre: 1-888-734-7529

1. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/s...aderLanguage=E Fully service, $22 CAVENDISH CAMPGROUND
2. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/s...aderLanguage=E $26 CAVENDISH SUNSET CAMPGROUND
3. http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/s...aderLanguage=E $22 STANHOPE CAMPGROUND


1. Bay Vista Motel & Cottage, 963-2225,(800) 846-0601,

9517 Cavendish Rd. West />,Cavendish/> PE/>,C0A 1E0/>

2. Anne />Shirley/> Motel/> and Cottages, (800) 561-4266,(902) 368-3117,Cavendish Jct 6&13,Cavendish/> PE/>/>,C0A1M0 3 . Lakeview Lodge & Cottages, 902) 963-2436, (800) 565-7550,

8715 Cavendiish Road
/>,Route 6 unter River RR1 Cavendish />, PE/> C0A 1N0/> />


Day 5, Charlottetown –--- Cape Breton 的 Ingonish

Nova Scotia />/>Information and reservations: 1-800-565-0000

Charlottetown />TransCanada ---- Wood Islands/> Ferry –-- Caribou ($49/75min)

Ferry: (08:00), 09:30, 11:15, 12:45, 14:45, 16:15, 18:00, 19:30, 21;00
NOVA`SCOTIA 却是途径的这几个省里最美的,特别是它的 CAPE`BRETON 半岛非常值得一游。进入 CAPE BRETON 前准备好充足的引用水。
— Cape Breten 的海岸线是加东线最美的景色所在,值得花更多的时间细细品味,至少也要两天时间。
— Pleasant Bay 1 天:早晨从 Charlottetown 乘渡轮进入 Nova Stocia, 到达 Pleasant Bay 时一个上午也差不多就过去了,下午可以安排出海观鲸,晚上看日落。 Pleasant Bay 的日落绝对会给你留下深刻的印象,至今都难忘那漫天火烧般的晚霞,太阳一点点坠入天尽头的海平面,是一种让人窒息的美。
— 如果到达 Pleasant Bay 的时间比较早,可以在码头上等出海捕蟹的鱼船,幸运的话能买到超新鲜的活雪蟹,晚上再大剁一顿海鲜大餐。( 07 年的价格是 2.49$/LB )
— Ingonish 1 天:早晨从 Pleasant Bay 出发,沿途观赏世界最美的海岸线之一 Cape Breten 。最理想的是住在 Cape Breton 的 Highlands National Park ( Camping ),租辆自行车沿着 CARBOT TRAIL 附近的海岸线公路闲晃,迎着轻柔的海风,远眺大西洋的碧水蓝天,听着海浪拍打着悬崖峭壁下陡峭磷峋的岩石。。。。。这般的怡然自得可算是人生的极致享受吧。

Caribou, Ferry-------- >Havre Boucher 1.5 hrs

Havre Boucher ------- >Cheticamp 1:50 hr
Cheticamp----------- >Pleasant Bay 40 mins
Pleasant/> Bay/>/> -- ------- >Cape North 50 mins
Cape North ---------- >Ingonish 1 hr


1. Cape/> Breten/>/> 依山傍海公路 CARBOT TRAIL ;

2.Pleasant~Bay观鲸。 在 CARBOT~TRAIL 中间有个地方叫 PLEASANT~BAY 看到了鲸鱼。原来鲸鱼喜欢在下雨的时候游到海面嬉戏!鲸鱼的体形不大,但数量很多,有时鲸鱼就从船边 2 米的地方游过,有时就看着从船底下潜过。鲸鱼喷水的鼻孔长得有点象肚脐眼。


Toll Free: 1-888-754-5112, 902-224-1316, Pleasant Bay, Nova Scotia/>/>
3. Cape Breton Highlands国家公园经典Hiking线路Skyline Trail

Campsite reservation: 1-877-737-3783

1. Broad Cove campground, showers, kitchen, $25
2. Ingonish beach campground: washroom, showers, kitchen, $20
Motel (ingonish):
#1 http://www.ingonish.com/rockybay/ $70

Rocky Bay Cottages,33 Milton/>’s Lane, Ingonish,Nova Scotia,Canada ,B0C 1K0, 902 285-2020

#2 http://ingonish.com/islandinn/ $70-$80 include breakfast

( 902)285-2404 or 1-800-533-7015 $58 - $74 on the Cabot Trail, Ingonish/> Beach/>/>, Post: B0C 1K0

#3 http://www.ingonish.com/knotty/ $55
R.R.1, Ingonish Ferry/>, N.S./> B0C 1L0/>/>

#4. Ingonish Chalets, 36784 Cabot Trail, Ingonish/> Beach/>, Cape/> Breton/>/>, N.S.B0C 1L0

1. Cheticamp campground $23
2. Plage Sai nt Pierre, shower, washroom, fire, ice, laundromat $23 http://www.cheticamp.ca/lestroispign...lities-eng.htm

Parkview Motel Ltd : 16546 Cabot Trail, Cheticamp/>, NS/> BOE 1HO, Canada/>/> 902-224-3232
Merry's Motel, 15356 Cabot Trail |
P.O. Box 1052 />, Cheticamp />, Nova Scotia/> B0E 1H0/> , Canada />

Day 6. Ingonish ---- Canso ------------------ ------ 466 km


1.Cape/>~Breton~Island依山傍海公路; CAPE~BRETON―― 被美国国家地理杂志评为全世界最美的地方之一,与加西的洛基山一起并列第二(排第一的是挪威的大峡湾)。 CAPEBRETON 属于 NOVASCOTIA ,但只与它却是一河之隔,是一个独立的岛。岛上东边的 LOUISBOURG 是法国在 1713~1758 年间管理 CAPEBRETON 殖民地的首都(要塞),于 1758 年被英军攻破。现在已经变成了历史遗产旅游区,但当时所有的东西都完好的保留着,包括服饰和风俗。

2. Baddeck镇贝尔故居(Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site/> Bell/> Museum/>/>

Chebucto St
/>(Hwy 205)

3. Glace Bay 的 Miners Museum 42 Birkley Street Glace Bay NS B1A 5T8 ;

4. Louisburg国家历史遗迹公园 7330, Main Street,Louisbourg/>, Nova Scotia/>, B1C 1P5/>/>

5. Isle/> Madame/> 的 Pondville Beach 219 Pondville North Rd, Isle/> Madame/>/>

6. Canso 的 Grassy island National Historic Site

( Highway 104 to exit 37 Monastery. Follow Route 16 along Chedabucto/> Bay/>/> to Canso. or take TransCanada Highway 104 to exit 40 Aulds Cove and follow scenic Route 344 past the Strait of Canso/> to Route 16.)

motel in Canso:
160 Hwy 4;

Box/> 9626
, Port Hastings, NS, B9A 1M5

902-625-1300, 888-832-7593,

$85–119, XP $10, F(14); seniors’ discount; 6pm CXL policy.

Day 7 Canso ---- Halifax ------------ 6 hours

Canso-->Larrys/> River/>-->Goldboro-->Sherbrooke/>-->Sheet/> Harbour/>-->Ship harbour à Halifax />/>


1." 灯塔之路 " 主要在 NOVA~SCOTIA 的东部,因为沿路上导航的灯塔一个接一个所以被冠以此名。灯塔之路是在最著名的灯塔 PEGGY'SCOVE 附近开始的。这个灯塔著名是因为它和周围的礁石、海岸融合成别致的美景,令人赞叹! 晚上住在 Peggy~Cove 附近 camping 或 MOTEL 。

Peggy’s Cove 是加东线的另一个重要景点。建议到达 Halifax 后直奔 Peggy’s Cove ,住在附近的 Cottage 或 Motel ,这样你可以至少看一次日出及一次日落,且白天游览 Halifax 市区、 Louisburg 及附近的景点,来回距离很近很方便。在这里你能真正体会到 “ 海上明月共潮生 ” 的壮观,也会油然叹出 “ 沧海月明珠有泪 ” 的怅茫;而看着那惊涛骇浪一波一波袭击着岸边的巨石,水花四处飞溅,那种震憾相信是一生都无以忘怀。。。。。

2. 游览 Maritime />Museum/> of Atlantic/>

3. Halifax />/>Citadel National Historic Park.

#1 Glen Margaret(wayside camping park) washroom, showers, fireplaces , ice, Laundromat, internet connection. $25 (902)823-2547, 823-2271 , Reserved.
#2 Indian/> Harbour/>/> washrooms, showers, fireplace $16 (902)823-2582

#1 http://www.oceanstone.ns.ca/html/rate_card.html $85

8650 Peggy’s Cove Road
Indian Harbour/>, N.S./> B3Z 3P4/>/>

Toll Free:



(902) 823-2160

#2 http://www.nsinns.com/BearRiverInnByTheBrook.htm $85
#3 http://www.geocities.com/cliftycovemotel/ $70

For Reservations : Call 1-888-254-3892
8444 Peggy's Cove Rd.
Indian Harbour N.S.
B3Z 3R1
#4 http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/lovers-lane/ $70
Peggy's Coveinformation: Judi Pace - Supervisor
109 Peggy's Point Rd
Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia B3Z 3S1
Phone: (902) 823-2253/2256
Fax: (902) 823-5501
Open: May 9 - Oct 31

Day 8 Halifax/> ---- Liverpool />

Halifax />---Peggy’s cove: 35mins
Halifax-Lunenburg: 1hr, 90km
Halifax/>---Live rpool />: 1hr, 40mins, 150 km


1. 最著名的灯塔 Peggy's

Cove Lighthouse Route

2. CHESTER 渔村 4171 Hwy. 3, RR#2, Suite 13, B0J 1J0

3. Mahone Bay 小镇 Hwy 103 (west), Exit 10 , 被誉为 “ 加拿大东部最美的小镇 ” ; B0J 2E0

4.` Lune nburg, ( 伦娜堡 ) 是 Nova~Scotia 省继 Halifax 之后的第二片英国殖民地 , 著名的世界文化遗产 , 停留 2 小时。此小镇房子多姿多彩 , 各种颜色都有 , 非常漂亮 .

Fisheries />Museum/> of the Atlantic/>

68 Bluenose Drive />,
Lunenburg/>, Nova Scotia/>,
Canada/> B0J 2C0/>

Telephone: 902-634-4794
Toll Free 1-866-579-4909
Fax: 902-634-8990
5. 如果风景不错, 一直开到 Liverpool .

Whale watching:
#1 http://www.marinercruises.ns.ca/cruises.html $36
#2 http://www.brierislandwhalewatch.com/ $42
#3 http://www.ppww.ca/html/trip.html $45.

motel in Liverpool />:

1. 27 Bristol Avenue />Liverpool/> Nova Scotia/> B0T 1K0/>

2. Eagle's Nest Cabins
RR #1
Liverpool/>, NS/>, B0T 1K0/>, Canada/>/>
Telephone: +1 (902) 354-2940
E-mail address: paulanddoris@eastlink.ca

3. Lane's Privateer Inn

27-33 Bristol Avenue, PO Box 509/>
Liverpool/>, NS/>, B0T 1K0/>, Canada/>

Telephone: +1 (902) 354-3456
Fax: +1 (902) 354-7220
Toll-free number (in Canada/>/> and US only): 1-800-794-3332
E-mail address: info@lanesprivateerinn.com

Day 9 Liverpool />---- Digby

Digby 号称是世界 Scallop 之都。去 Digby 附近的渔村吃 Scallop, “ 扇贝 ” 。晚上在 east ferry CAMPING 。如果满了 , 或者太累就住 hotel.


1. East ferry

2. Free port

3. Yarmouth/>/>

(902)834-2025 $20 with shower, canteen, Laundromat

Information Digby:
Nova Scotia />/>Visitor Information Centre

PO Box/> 1334
237 Shore Road/>
Digby/>, Nova Scotia/> B0V 1A0/>

Phone: (902) 245-2201
Fax: (902) 245-2396
Open: May 9 - Nov 3


1. 107 Across The Meadow, East Ferry Nova Scotia/>/> B0V 1E0

2. Bayside Inn, 115 Montague Row, Digby/>, N.S./>, B0V 1A0/>/>, -902-245-2247

3. Ocean Hillside B&B , 902 245 5932, shore road RR#3, Digby/>, NS/>/>, BOV 1A0

4 Summers Country Inn/>, $59.00 to $95.00,

16 Warwick St/> ,Digby/> Nova Scotia/>

Day 10 Digby ---- st John ---- Fredericton


1.Reversing falls (st john/>/>)

(1). Reversing Falls Shuttle

(506) 635-1999

200 Bridge Rd/>, Saint John/>, NB/>
(2). Reversing Falls Jet Boat Ride

(506) 634-8987
(888) 634-8987 Toll free

55 Fallsview Ave />
Saint John/>, NB/>
, E2K1B8

2. 省府弗雷德里克顿(Fredericton)市容及圣约翰河滨区

(1). Historic Garrison/> District/>/>

457 Queen St. />
Fredericton/>, NB/>

Tel: (506) 460 - 2041
Fax: (506) 460 – 2474

(2). Government House

51 Woodstock Rd. />
Fredericton/>, NB/>

Tel: (506) 453 - 2505
Fax: (506) 444 – 5280

(3). Boyce Farmers' Market

665 George St. />
Fredericton/>, NB/>

Tel: (506) 451 - 1815
Fax: (506) 455 – 6451


1. Howard Johnson Inn Woodstock/> NB/> 159 Route 555, Woodstock/>, NB/> E7M 6B5/>/>, (506) 328-3315

2. Fredericton Inn,

1315 Regent Street />,Fredericton/>, NB/> E3C 1A1/>

3. City Motel,

1216 Regent St./>, Fredericton/>, New Brunswick/> E3B 3Z4/>, Canada/>
, 506-450-9900 4. Fort Nashwaak Motel , $95/2days,
15 Riverside Dr/>, Fredericton/>, NB />E3A 3X8/>
, 506-472-4411

5. Norfolk Motel, $49--

79 815 Riverside Drive />, Fredericton/>, NB />E3A 8R1/>
, 506-472-3278

6. Skyline Motel,

Forest Hill Rd />, Fredericton/>, NB />E3B 4K4/>
, 506-455-6683

Day 11 Fredericton/> ---- Montreal/>/>


1. 圣约翰河谷之旅, 沿途 Kings Landing Historical Settlement 遗址 , Route 2, ext.253,

20 Kings Landing Rd.
Kings Landing Hist. Sett./>, NB/>/>
Tel: (506) 363 - 4999
Fax: (506) 363 - 4989

2. HARTLAND 屋桥, HARTLAND ( 世界最长的廊桥 , 电影 ” 廊桥遗梦 ” 的拍摄地点),

Hartland on Covered Bridge off Route 2, Exit 170

3. GRAND/> FALL/> 大瀑布, Grand />Falls/> />Gorge, on the walking trails or by taking a pontoon tour

81 Burgess Street, Suite 100
Grand Falls, N.B.
E3Y 1C6

4.Antique automobile Museum

35, Principale St., Saint-Jacques, NB E7B 1V6
Tél: (506) 735-2637


Cavendish Beach 的红土海岸应该是 PI 的精华。建议住在 Cavendish 的 NATIONAL PARK ( Camping ),早上可以看日出,踏着浪花漫步沙滩,晚上枕着海涛声入眠。。。 ( 或者租附近的 Cottage 也是不错的选择 )

— 驾车沿环岛公路遛一圈,沿途可以观赏 PI 的 红土海岸,风格迥异的灯塔及田园风光。
