许多事情可以for fun,但是婚外乱不是。如果你的老公(用老公是因为我猜你多半不是个男的吧?如果错了,don’t too serious. Take it easy!)卖了你,你的老娘卖了你的老爹,再搭上你,大概你就fun不起来了。您的高论“Marriage is between husband and wife, not much to do with their kids. Once they get divorced they can still take care of their kids.”真有些冷血。婚姻把一个孩子带到这个世界,父母的责任大概不止于养个宠物一般只让他不愁吃穿吧?您是说英语的,就算在你们的英语世界中接受此种高论的大概也不在多数。也许您在动物界的其它种属中能觅到知音?
生活中见过那么一种人,他们愿意对老中说英文,与学文科的讨论相对论,与学理科的探讨古梵文。忽然想到的,it只是一种sense of humor。我可没说您,真的是没说您,您可千万别觉得被mock着了。
我的计算机do not have a English word processor,想着能站在多少够得着点儿您的台阶上对话,加一点洋文吧,全得靠绕世界拷贝,顶您这破帖子真是够累的。
PopPK 发表评论于
许多事情可以for fun,但是婚外乱不是。如果你的老公(用老公是因为我猜你多半不是个男的吧?如果错了,don’t too serious. Take it easy!)卖了你,你的老娘卖了你的老爹,再搭上你,大概你就fun不起来了。您的高论“Marriage is between husband and wife, not much to do with their kids. Once they get divorced they can still take care of their kids.”真有些冷血。婚姻把一个孩子带到这个世界,父母的责任大概不止于养个宠物一般只让他不愁吃穿吧?您是说英语的,就算在你们的英语世界中接受此种高论的大概也不在多数。也许您在动物界的其它种属中能觅到知音?
生活中见过那么一种人,他们愿意对老中说英文,与学文科的讨论相对论,与学理科的探讨古梵文。忽然想到的,it只是一种sense of humor。我可没说您,真的是没说您,您可千万别觉得被mock着了。
我的计算机do not have a English word processor,想着能站在多少够得着点儿您的台阶上对话,加一点洋文吧,全得靠绕世界拷贝,顶您这破帖子真是够累的。
ZTM 发表评论于
青柏 发表评论于
pjx 发表评论于
回复crystalfish4的评论: You are too serious about my comments. I like Pingnian's articles very much but just for fun. This is also true for other articles. Take it easy! At least I read your comments and responded to them.
1. You didn't sense the humor when I say 婚外恋?
2. Writing in English doesn't mean "show off". You also wrote in English. In many cases, I simply do not have a Chinese word processor.
3. Language is a living thing. Now days a lot native speakers may say (he prones to). So do not mock others.
crystalfish4 发表评论于
”回复crystalfish4的评论:"I have Qiaoqiao hua to you". 婚外恋?” ------- 懂中文啊,装什么呢? 你愿意把你的电话号码之类的信息公布于众吗?想必是不。而且有的故事也还没有到公布的时候。这就是为什么有时会有悄悄话。你的心理能不能不那么阴暗,哪怕就一丁点儿?
“The moral criteria for extramarriage love should be independent of whether he/she has kids or not. Marriage is between husband and wife, not much to do with their kids. Once they get divorced they can still take care of their kids. ” ------ 定义搞婚外恋有没有伦理道德,是不取决于有无孩子。但当乱搞的人迈出这步的时候,或决心把出轨进行到底的时候,应该想到对家庭和孩子的伤害。如果婚姻早已名存实亡,那就应该先解决掉这个婚姻,解除契约,再去找新人,这对孩子也是公平的,这是正常离婚。既然选择了结婚生子,就有责任问题,是契约中人,社会中人。婚外恋这个词本身,就是在婚姻契约中的人,去恋婚姻外的人,是喜新厌旧、移情别恋,违约操作,没有底线。做事情应该有顺序和规矩,讲究名正言顺。那句话怎么说得来着,恨不相逢未嫁时,就是这个意思。忍不了这个恨,不甘心,脚踩西瓜皮地跟着感觉走,那就去失足,只怕又会引来另一个恨。失足长乐吧,大家齐唱长乐歌(本人正编歌词呢,不久将征集配曲)。
你在另一个帖子中说“The more civilized prone to love without marriage. ” --- 全句没找到动词。斗胆翻译成: 没有婚姻的爱情更趋于文明(进化)? 我怎么觉得是相反啊,好像更趋于动物本能?
“My prediction is marriage by legal form will perish in the next 50-100 years。” ---- 为所有生不逢时的人们感到遗憾。早生多少年呢,妻妾(面首)成行;晚生多少年呢,鸡鸭成群,自由无疆。怎么偏偏就生在这万恶的反人性的一夫一妻制度下,而且无论是生活在社会主义的祖国,还是生活在资本主义的西方。比窦娥都冤那!反封建的历史重任,就落在我们肩上,任重而道远。革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力。
回复crystalfish4的评论:"I have Qiaoqiao hua to you". 婚外恋?
The moral criteria for extramarriage love should be independent of whether he/she has kids or not. Marriage is between husband and wife, not much to do with their kids. Once they get divorced they can still take care of their kids.
回复大江川的评论:I agree with your comments. My prediction is marriage by legal form will perish in the next 50-100 years. The more civilized prone to love without marriage. Marriage, to certain degree has significant contributions to the growth and stability of human society. Nevertheless, it has to die because it is against human's nature.
"What do you mean by "几近更年期的中年妇女"? It is age discrimination! Older women are people too."
Sorry! 我的中文不至于这么差吧。我这里的意思是:中年妇女更应该知道在她们的生命中,什么是更重要的。 所以她们如果选择出轨,更恶心!sorry again for age discrimination! I totally agree with you that"Older women are people too"