社区大学教书手记: 不愉快的经历

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    “去年D.在我班上。他相当自我(His ego is very high),曾因吸毒,和失控而被另一所大学开除。”


    老教授看我一脸疑问,反安慰我道:“他是让人头疼的学生,但我想他参加戒毒和愤怒控制(Anger control program)等训练,也该懂事了,他是个颇有小聪明的孩子。这学期他修你的课,你是女教师,也许他会收敛些。”

    上周三课上,我看见D.在电脑前偷偷地玩弄手机,像是在写文字信息(text messages),学校规定,学生上课一定要关手机,若上课手机响或写文字信息,学生要离开课堂。开学初,D.手机响过,我给他警告,如今,他又违规,我到他身旁,告诉他,上课若玩手机,需离开教室,免得影响班级。他收了手机,脸色很不好,我继续讲课,大约5分钟,D.仍然很气愤的样子,他可能为了控制情绪,披了大衣,自己到教室外。大约10几分钟,他回到教室。下课后,D.朝我走了过来,我以为他是来向我道歉的。以往也有学生,不小心忘了关手机,或课堂失礼,会课后主动找我道歉。可是D.居然指着我说:“我很不喜欢你只抓我把柄。(I do not appreciate you pick on me.)也有别的学生上课上网,为什么就找我的麻烦。”我吃了一惊,回道:“你是唯一玩手机的学生,有个别学生上网,他们事先告诉过我,想上网查找一些新学的技术用语。”D.仍然道:“我就是很不喜欢你专门找我麻烦。”他态度如此傲慢,我想起老教授的话,于是我对他说:“请学会尊重他人。(Please show respect.)”他离开了教室。



    剩下的半个多学期,我将不再和D.学生“对峙”(confront him),但我会为他祈祷,愿他早日脱离导致他堕落的恶魔。想起《圣经》里一句经文:“因我们并不是与属血气的争战,乃是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战。”(For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 弗Ephesians 6:12)祈祷D.学生早日戒毒,改过自新,作神国度里的新人。



* 未婚性交增加200%(若女孩子单独分类,未婚性交增加500%)

* 未婚怀孕增加400%

* 性病增加200%

* 自杀人数增加400%


* 18岁以前生育孩子的学生,有一半没有完成高中学业(63年以前96%等到18岁以后生育)

* 早育母亲只挣平均收入一半的钱,大多数靠政府福利维持生活,而且恶性循环:早育母亲的女儿10几岁怀孕生子,又产生无技能,靠福利维持生活的新一代

* 14到25岁的未婚妈妈,三分之二生活水平在贫困线下


* 63年到80年平均成绩下降90分

* 1950年,84%的大学生知道马尼拉是菲律宾首都;1984年,只有27%的大学生知道。

2004年美国科罗拉多州Columbine高中生枪击事件中弹而亡的女学生Rachel 父亲写的诗:

 To Rachel Joy Scott

A courageous victim of the Columbine High School shooting in Littleton, Colorado. Facing death itself, Rachel refused to compromise her faith in God. This poem, written by her father, Darrell Scott, aptly describes the problems we face, and provide the answer, for those courageous enough to believe:

Your laws ignore our deepest needs, 你的法律忽视了我们最深的需要,

Your words are empty air. 你的话如同空气

You've stripped our heritage,你已经剥夺了我们的传承

You've outlawed simple prayer.你已经禁止简单的祷告

Now gunshots fill our classrooms,如今枪击填入教室

And precious children die.可爱的孩子死亡

You seek for answers everywhere,你到处寻求答案

And ask the question,"Why?" 问:“为什么?”

You regulate restrictive laws, 你制定法律

Through legislative creed, 通过立法纲领

And yet you fail to understand 但是你无法理解

That God is what we need! 上帝是我们真正需要

注1:英文数据来源:http://www.saintpaulcommunitychurch.org/what_happens_if_prayer_is_banned.htm statistics given go up to the year 1988.

The banning of prayer in assemblies affected students. Since 1963:


Premarital sexual activity increased over 200 percent (for girls alone, premarital sexual activity increased over 500 percent);


Pregnancies to unwed mothers went up almost 400 percent;


Gonorrhoea (Sexually Transmitted Disease) went up over 200 percent;


Number of suicides increased over 400 percent.

These give rise to secondary consequences, such as:


Only half of those who give birth before age 18 complete high school (as compared with 96 percent of those who postpone childbearing);


On average they earn half as much money and are far more likely to be dependent on welfare. A negative cycle is created, with daughters falling pregnant during teenage years, thus leading to generations of unskilled peoples being dependent and trapped on welfare;


Of those families headed by a mother age 14-25, two-thirds live below the poverty level.

The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is an academic test measuring the developed verbal and mathematical reasoning skills of a student preparing to enter college. The three areas of SAT testing with individual documentation are SAT mathematics scores, SAT verbal scores, and SAT total scores (the combination of the mathematics and verbal scores). 


SAT Total Scores have declined steadily, dropping over 90 points from 1963 to 1980, to the lowest in the industrialised world. Although actual grades have risen, their SATS were decreasing. Hence academic standards have dropped to accommodate mediocrity.


In 1950, 84 percent of college students knew that Manilla was the capital of the Philippines. In 1984 it had dropped to only 27 percent. “We cannot expect to be a world leader if our populace doesn’t even know who the rest of the world is!”




