全三维建模CG动画The Craft of War-BLIND(2008)魔兽世界mkv英语(MGU)

◎片  名 The Craft of War-BLIND
◎译  名 魔兽世界CG动作片
◎年  代 2008
◎影片类型 动画
◎片  长 8 Mins
◎国  家 美国
◎对白语言 英语
◎编  码 x264 + AAC
◎视频码率 crf21 kbps
◎音频码率 96 kbps
◎视频尺寸 1280 x 720
◎文件大小 130 MB
◎MD5值 6C168DA1166F913E7FC7F0469A7E4301
◎CRC值 E850200F
◎简  介 
  全三维建模,华丽的动作设计,国外玩家自制。主角有漂亮的血精灵MM和黑龙公主,还有帅帅的人类盗贼! 帅哥,美女,爱情,精致的动作打斗设计场景,都是一部华丽动作片所必备的,而这部视频恰恰符合了这些条件!
  The Craft of War: BLIND\'s Summary Earlier this year I got pretty boredand decided to do something creative in my spare time. I\'ve beenwanting to do a fight scene for a while and decided to develop a storywith World of Warcraft. There are some great machinimas created by fansand at one point I thought about making a machinima as well butanimation is what I do and I decided to use my skills in makingsomething.
  My thought is to make The Craft of War a series. Each episode wouldspotlight a different class in combat. To give you a hint of what I\'mcurrently thinking TCoW2 will be titled Mark, Counterspell, or Execute.Blind2 is also a possiblity and there\'s a comedy I\'d like to try aswell. Of course this is all dependent upon how Blind is recieved. Ifpeople think its crap then I probably won\'t be making anymore, hehe. Ifthat\'s the case let\'s not ever bring this up again I\'ve also included the trailer for Blind at the end. I had thoughtabout putting out a trailer a month ago but it seems stupid to have atrailer for something thats only 7-8 minutes long. I thought it turnedout cool so I\'ve included it.
  All that being said I got some rather bad news a few months ago. Theparent company of my game studio has decided lay everyone off. So withthis impending layoff my future is unclear and I don\'t know when or ifI\'ll be able to continue with The Craft of War. Perhaps this video willhelp me somehow if people like it and pass it around so please forwardit to others. Although it\'s not perfect I decided to call it done and put it out there.
   About the song Hide & Seek, although I don\'t speak orunderstand Japanese I thought the song fitting and would help me tellthe story. I don\'t really have to understand the lyrics of a song tolike it. It\'s more about the music and pacing and hopefully the songisn\'t about baking cakes when I\'m showing fighting. If you\'re offendedby foreign words then don\'t watch. There are some Spanish, German, andEnglish songs that I\'m considering for future episodes and even songsfrom previous fan videos you may have seen.
  I don\'t know what kind of a reaction I\'ll be getting but I may not beable to respond to all of the emails. I\'ll try and answer the mostfrequently asked questions by updating this summary.

  First off I\'d like to thank all of you for all of the compliments andeven the criticisms. I set out to try and make something I think wouldbe cool and hoped others would think so too. I thought I\'d update thissummary and give some background info in case people were interestedand also address the some issues people had.
  Many have been asking how the movie was created. I\'m sure others haveguessed that the models were exported and imported into a 3Dapplication. The WoW model viewer has an option to export models and 3DStudio Max is the 3D app I used to create BLIND. I won\'t get into thedetails but with minimal searching you can find out how to do ityourselves. Machinima sites also have information and even tutorials.Video editing was done with a mix of Adobe AfterEffects and Sony Vegas.Minor texture work was done in Photoshop. All of the software I usedhave downloadable demos and I encourage people to give it a try. I\'mnot going to lie to you. There\'s no magic button that makes things lookgood. It takes practice and dedication. Also I\'m going to respectfullydecline anyone asking for aid with their movies. I put off playing WoWand other games for many months to create BLIND. It\'s time I startedplaying games again and then there\'s the upcoming layoff I have toworry about.
  The music wasn\'t something I choose at random but an element that Iconsider to be just as important as the models, lighting,animations,...etc. It was the driving force for the pace and theinspiration for the story. Its modern sound did make me hesitant butyou have other machinimas and boss kill videos to thank/blame forhelping me decide to use it. Since others have used modern music versus grand orchestrated scores Ithought that was enough to soften the blow and wouldn\'t seem a hugeshock. With the feedback I\'ve gotten consider your voices heard andit\'ll be something I take into account in the future. I still think Imade the right decision and it\'s not something I\'m going to go back andchange so lets agree that we disagree.
  There have been some comments on the animation and I totally admit thatI\'m not the greatest animator. When you work on something in your sparetime for fun after a long while it ceases to be fun and becomes morelike work. So you have to know when to call it good enough and stop andmove on rather then spend countless more days,weeks, or even months onit. Try putting together a 7minute long animation by yourself whileworking long hours at a full time job. It\'s not as easy as it sounds,hehe.
  Some have a problem with the style of the animations. No, my animationsare not PIXAR-like or Clone Wars-like. I purposely stayed away fromanimations that I felt to be comedic. It would be ridiculous to havethe characters animate like a Disney cartoon. I wasn\'t striving forrealistic either. If you want realistic moves I don\'t know why youreplaying WoW then. You should be playing Second Life or something likethat. Do you even fight in Second Life? I don\'t know. What I tried todo was achieve something in between extreme exaggeration and realityand try and top it off with some coolness.
  Some extra info:
  -The rogue was the obvious choice for having someone sneeking intoStormwind but I choose a bloodelf because I didn\'t want to deal withthe animation style of one of the other Horde races. The blood elveswhere the most human-like race plus I think the blood elf female themost attractive player model.
  -In the tavern there were 3 extra guards the female rogue killed off.Once I started editing the fight together I realized I didn\'t have thetime to show the other 3 guards because the song length wouldn\'t allowit so they were cut out. Some of the rogue fight had to be cut as well.
  -Not wanting to discriminate on sex I was going to put in female guardsto be killed too but saved it as a wishlist item for the very end. Whenthe very end came I asked myself, Do I really want torerender these shots? Na, screw it.
  -Lady Katrana Prestor wasn\'t going to be the final confrontationoriginally. It was to be an npc in the Cathedral of Light but afterthinking on it more I didn\'t want the assasin to be considered evil andI didn\'t want to involve another class. Lady Prestor became the obviouschoice. Also it seems like everyone wants to solo Onyxia these days. Ithought it would be great to revisit WoW preBC and show just howawesome and badass the brood mother of the black dragonflight was. Shedoesn\'t even take a step the entire time shes being attacked.
  -After choosing Lady Prestor the original second major encounter wasn\'tagainst another rogue but a group of black dragonflight masquerading asLady Prestors elite gaurds. After the encounter in the tavern I wantedto see more high flying rogue action so I changed it to another rogue.A male was chosen because I wanted her to have somewhat of an oppositeand they would each mark the other as a rival and equal. Make nomistake though, she views humans as the enemy and viseversa and she ismerciless against any in her way. As I was working on BLIND I couldn\'thelp but develop a past and future for the two rogues. If their storycontinues they won\'t always be enemies but they will face each other asenemies a few more times before theyre, well, not enemies.
  -Two of my Alliance toons make cameos in BLIND. My Paladin has a tragic death by getting his neck broken.
  很多人问我这部电影是如何创作出来的。我相信大家已经猜到了,这些模型是(从WOW里)提取出来后导入到一个图形芯片技术软件(3Dapplication)里的。WOW模型浏览器(WoW model viewer)提供了一个导出模型的选项,并且3D StudioMax就是这样一种软件,我用它创作了BLIND。我不会再深讲细节了,但是如果探索地足够仔细,我相信你们也会知道如何自己来制作的。引擎电影(Machinima)网站也提供了很多信息甚至教程。视频的后期处理我是使用了Adobe AfterEffects和SonyVegas这两款软件,而一些质地上的细节我则是在Photoshop中完成的。我使用的所有软件都是可以在网上下载到试用版的,并且我也鼓励大家去下载和尝试。我并不打算对你们撒谎,这世上并不存在什么魔法按钮可以让事物变的更加完善,需要的只是专心花时间尝试罢了。当然我也会充满敬意地婉言谢绝那些拥有自己电影的人们一些提出的帮助了。为了专心制作BLIND,我丢下WOW和其他的游戏好几个月了。是时候再次拾起我的游戏接着玩,并且面对我不得不担心的解雇问题了。


