I cried a lot in these 3 months. I am better now and not cry everyday. I encourage myself using words "don't punish myself with other's stupid mistake" It is really not worthwhile. Thanks for support
maplelover 发表评论于
I am at work but can't help to check on you. I have so much to say and to share to you but I know at this point, you must feel very painful and miserable, so how to release the pressure is the number one thing. If you feel like crying, just let go when you are alone or in front of your best friend. It's not a shame to cry, I am a very emotional women, I couldn't remember how many times I shed tears in front of my friends. I am not encouraging you to cry but instead just using this as an example to help you to reduce the pain. Anything you feel that could help you, use it, you deserve it!!
零零 发表评论于
maplelover 发表评论于
Just to clarify:我目前是一个快乐的单身母亲。
maplelover 发表评论于
完全赞成你的“心中的净土”,你的所有的反应和受伤都在不久的过去 在我身上发生过。我告诉你是想让你知道,这种痛会过去的,如果你爱惜自己,就告诉自己不要为别人犯下的愚蠢的错误天天夜夜的折磨自己。我知道不容易,但我也相信你会做得到。因为你已经很勇敢的在为自己的困惑寻找出路。真的希望我的经历能给你些许的安慰和鼓励。希望你坚强 go through....I believe you will regain your happiness. I am an example.