顺便提一下, 博主提到: "如果我们都能打开胸襟,不以一己之见去关那扇窗口,可能便可以看到更美丽的风景。" 不知博主除了
圣经之外还看过别的经书(比如金刚经, 道德經)吗?
这个世上除了圣经这扇窗, 还有别的窗, 还有更美丽的风景.
金刚经: 把辩证法和相对论讲的非常彻底,
道德經: 除了涵盖辩证法和相对论之外更是博大精深.
"The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. The religion which based on experience, which refuses dogmatic. If there's any religion that would cope the scientific needs it will be Buddhism...." --Albert Einstein
其实佛道是相通的, 我觉得愛因斯坦的句话除了Buddhism还可以加上Taoism
"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own -- a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotisms." --Albert Einstein
以上愛因斯坦对基督教的评价是客观的, 是公正的. 我不再翻译了
sunjkl 发表评论于
What really piss me off is to say your god is mine. That was exactly what the brits said when they knocked the door with opium 200 years ago. Don't forget that, bro - if you still are. It's fraking harassment to me now!
在西方宗教中,我更佩服他们的祖宗犹太教。刚听了一个Jewish intellectual history的系列讲座,从开始到2500年后的今天,犹太人一直在问他们自己这样一个问题:What does it mean to be a Jew?作为中国人,我们是不是也应该问一问自己:什么才是中国人呢?看看我们今天还能不能找回自己的ID?
看你文章挺纯洁可爱的,愿意给你上一堂免费的论理(reason)课,来醒一醒好莱坞的迷魂汤。就拿 The day earth stood still来说吧,显然是犹太教愤怒的(杀人的)上帝。你坚信他(也许她?你不觉得有点歧视?)创造了宇宙如你上篇所述,我(任何人)无法证明你是错的。现在告诉你其实是这样:还有一个上上帝,它创造了你的上帝。你、上帝、上上帝生活在三个不同的时空,因此你无法理解上帝(你说理解也可),也无法理解上上帝。作为一个信徒你断定说我错了,但事实上你无法证明我是错的,就像我无法证明你是错的。那么论理的结论是:我可能是对的,如此,你的上帝就不是the上帝了,因为是上上帝造的。你还说他存在吗?
eaglewings 发表评论于
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
-- Proverbs 9:10