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昨天接儿子回家的路上,老爸就开始逗儿子:“Son, Sue 阿姨 is selling her house. She wants torent your room. How much are you going to charge her each day?”

财谜儿子一听有钱,马上有了精神:“How long is she going to stay?”

老爸信口胡说:“Probably 6 months.”

儿子马上就开始了他的“心算”:“6 months is 180 days. So I only need 1 dollar each day.I can make 180 dollars. No, more than that because there are 31 daysfor some months. Plus my money in the bank, I will have more than 400dollars. I will be rich. Dad, if I have 400 dollars in the bank, can Iearn a penny each day as interest?”


得到老爸的肯定答复,儿子高兴了:“Dad, I only charge her 1 dollar a day. ”

“Then, where are you going to stay?” 老爸继续逗。

“I will sleep in your and mom's room, on the floor, ok?”有钱还是可以作一些牺牲的。

“How did you figure out 1 dollar a day.”老爸问儿子。

“You know, we only paid 20 dollars a day in the 4-star hotel last timewhen we were in Nashville. So my room only worth 1 dollar, Iguess.”嗯,看样子定旅馆的叔叔还占了老爸不少便宜呢。老爸可是付得比20块多多了。

“I will tell 阿姨。I am not sure she decided yet.”

一听180块钱可能没法到手,儿子急了:“Dad, please tell 阿姨that the price is negotiable....”

Pig Bank

儿子三天两头要去吃Jimmy Jones,说味道比subway的好。老爸经常推脱:“Unless you spend your ownmoney. I have no money. I have to save money for your sister'scollege.”

“Then, who is going to pay my college if sister uses up all your and mom's money?”很正常的问题吧。

“By the time you go to college, dad and mom will be too old. You haveto be on your own. Probably your sister is willing to pay foryou.”得给人家一点希望嘛。

见到姐姐,人家急巴巴地问:“Sister, dad said that you are going to pay my college, right?”

“No way! Get your own!”姐姐凶着呢。

从此以后,和老爸老妈出门shopping,只要老爸老妈拿到零钱,就一定会进他的pig bank。
