以前介绍过这位大师的弹奏(可听贝多芬第五).她和Sofronitsky,肖斯塔科维奇三人奠定了苏联在二十年代的钢琴界的地位. 这个莫扎特演奏大概是最传奇的录音---斯大林临死前正好在放着.同时这个录音的产生也和斯大林有关. 肖斯塔科维奇回忆录说斯大林统治下的苏联是一个疯人院.他就用这个录音作为例子. 斯大林某次(1943)在收音机里听到尤金娜和莫斯科电台乐团现场演奏的转播,下令手下把录音送来.当然一般现场是不录音的. 他手下也没敢跟他说.就暗地里布置让她和乐团当晚到录音棚里去赶制.那时已经是晚上10点了. 乐团指挥因为怕演奏错误,简直被吓晕了,连打拍子都错误百出. 只得把候补指挥从家里拉来,此君醉得乐谱都看不清,只能送回家. 再去找来了一个年轻的助手.那时已经是凌晨.幸亏初生牛犊不怕虎,他也熟悉此钢协.尤金娜和整个乐团一鼓作气头一次和他合作完整的弹奏了下来.所以就有了这么一个传奇的录音.第二天斯大林得到了这个录音. 不过故事还没完. 斯大林对录音非常满意,当然他不知道里面的曲折,特地给尤金娜送去了两万卢布. 尤金娜是一个犹太家庭出身但转信俄国东正教的教徒,非常虔诚. 一直对斯大林共党宗教压迫政策非常不满.她就写了这么一个回条: "尊敬的约瑟夫: I wish to thank you for your most generous gift and express to you how much it touched my heart. I will continue to pray for you and your soul every day and every night for the rest of my life. Please remember thatGod's love for you is as infinite as His mercy, and if you but confess and repent He will forgive your many sins against our homeland and our countrymen."Once again, I wish to thank you for your gift. I have donated it in its entirity to the church which I regularly attend.Most sincerely, Maria V. Yudina" 斯大林的助手得到这个信条后,没敢给他而是转给了KGB总管,臭名昭著的贝里亚.后者提交给斯大林时,预计他会大恼而准备处理尤金娜.没想到斯大林一扬眉毛把纸条揉成一团丢进身后的垃圾桶. 这样玛丽亚躲过一大劫. (weston: 这个故事过去听俄国音乐家朋友讲过.现在有人把肖氏的回忆录登在myspace上后,wikipedia里也出现了这个传奇故事.我只是翻译.) 特别喜欢她对第二三乐章的阐释. 尤金娜是最少优柔的钢琴家.和其他的弹奏相比,第二乐章少了多愁善感,多的是沉思.第三乐章更加
少年气盛,精神勃发.充满了张力. -----
"Two stars guide me, as once, continue to repeat miracles," but now I realized that the order is different: God and music. "The experience of music is a hole which opens onto another world, on a larger reality, the reality: the Grace of God."
These are the last words of Yudina. Reads her priest, Father Vsevold Spiller, during the funeral homage, November 24 1970
(weston note : Richter studied with her but did not quite get along. He performed a Bach fugue at her funeral.)
曾经在电台里听到的《Phantom of Opera》的广告词:Come to see it, hear it, feel it, & be it!
听他的音乐就是这样的感觉:I felt I was pulled up, melt dawn, and “crashed” into pieces. 我听到的不再是弹奏的技巧与处理,而是在“润物细无声”的渗透中,自己也变成一个音符,缓缓融化在他的音乐里。。。
But be contented: when that fell arrest
Without all bail shall carry me away,
My life hath in this note(line) some interest,
Which for memorial still with thee shall stay.
When thou reviewest this, thou dost review
The very part was consecrate to thee:
The earth can have but earth, which is his due;
My spirit is thine, the better part of me:
So then thou hast but lost the dregs of life,
The prey of worms, my body being dead,
The coward conquest of a wretch's knife,
Too base of thee to be remembered.
The worth of that is that which it contains,
And that is this, and this with thee remains.