明日への讃歌 阿兰 (Alan - Ashita e no Sanka)

Found one song that I really like, just don't know the meaning.

Top 1 in Japan Billboard right now.

Lyric is below, if anyone can translated, that will be great!!! To be honest, I have no idea what she is singing. but her voice is really unique - wild and free.

  1. ==歌词==

    もう そこには 風の音(ね)が響きそう 誰もが 新たな種を蒔く古(いにしえ)の詩(うた)を語る 壁の跡に岸辺を 砕く波なにを憂うの まだ別れた 人の名が消えないように 哀しみも包み込んで 許しましょう いま涙の向こうへ また光は射すから大河(たいが)の流れにこの魂(こころ)をあずけて水に舞う月のようにたとえすべてが夢でもどんなときも 生きてゆける苦しみが いつか愛に 報われるなら教えてください なぜ命は争う答えてください この絆が問うもの何処も同じ空なのに 雲は時に傷を負う 雨を呼ぶ涙の向こうへ また光が射すまで大河の流れに この魂(こころ)をあずけて水に舞う月のように たとえすべてが夢でも遥かな道 生きてゆこう[[Category:日语單曲]]

2. BTW, her name is Alan Dala Dolma. She is Chinese from SiChuan province . Follow this link for her information: 阿兰·达瓦卓玛

menhaoran1 发表评论于
Here is the translation:

Ming Ri Zan Ge
Hymn for Tomorrow

草原的风 南方天空 在海角相拥
cao yuan de feng nan fang tian kong zai hai jiao xiang yong
The prairie's wind, the Southern sky, embracing each other at the cape,
重叠我的梦 你的笑容 雨后的彩虹
chong yao wo de meng ni de xiao rong yu hou de cai hong
Overlapping in my dreams, your smile, the rainbow after the rain.

承受着梦 也承受着痛
cheng shou zhe meng ye cheng shou zhe tong
Experiencing dreams and experiencing pain,
hui huo zhe qing chun de sao dong
Squandering the restlessness of youth,
这赤地的内容 就看我们怎么种
zhe chi di de nei rong jiu kan wo men zen me zhong
How do we cultivate this bare earth?

握你的手 就会接通
wo ni de shou jiu hui jie tong
Grasping your hand, I can connect with you.
这是爱 温暖厚重
zhe shi ai wen nuan hou zhong
This is love, warm and kind.
bu bi ma yi gui zhong
No more valuable than ants,
大地却 把我们 都包容
da di que ba wo men dou bao rong
The earth still holds us.

yong bu hui
Never turning back,
明天向着明天 还不了解的世界
ming tian xiang zhe ming tian hai bu liao jie de shi jie
The world we still don't understand day after day.
rang wo fei
Let me fly.
wei lai you ai ye you lei
The future has love as well as tears.
我们学会给 不后退
wo men xue hui gei bu hou tui
We'll learn to never retreat.

承受着梦 也承受着痛
cheng shou zhe meng ye cheng shou zhe tong
Experiencing dreams and experiencing pain,
hui huo zhe qing chun de sao dong
Squandering the restlessness of youth,
这赤地的内容 就看我们怎么种
zhe chi di de nei rong jiu kan wo men zen me zhong
How do we cultivate this bare earth?

握你的手 就会接通
wo ni de shou jiu hui jie tong
Grasping your hand, I can connect with you.
这是爱 温暖厚重
zhe shi ai wen nuan hou zhong
This is love, warm and kind.
bu bi ma yi gui zhong
No more valuable than ants,
大地却 把我们 都包容
da di que ba wo men dou bao rong
The earth still holds us.

yong bu hui
Never turning back,
明天向着明天 还不了解的世界
ming tian xiang zhe ming tian hai bu liao jie de shi jie
The world we still don't understand day after day.
rang wo fei
Let me fly.
wei lai you ai ye you lei
The future has love as well as tears.
就算会疲惫 不后悔
jiu suan hui pi bei bu hou hui
Even when exhausted, never regret.

rang wo fei
Let me fly.
热带的风 无限星空 在天涯相逢 重叠我的梦 你的笑容 不变的初衷
re dai de feng wu xian xing kong zai tian ya xiang feng chong die wo de meng ni de xiao rong bu bian de chu zhong
Tropical winds, endless starry skies, meeting each other on the horizon, overlapping with my dreams, your smile, unchanging emotion.
yong bu hui
Never turning back,
rang wo fei
Let me fly.