英文歌曲: Catch The Eels 捉泥鳅

落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色 一句最有魅力的中国古诗. 令人心旷神怡,宁静致远.
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Title: Catch The Eels 捉泥鳅

Yelling to all my friends gather around the field,

Inside the muddy field hiding many eels.

Wait for you everyday just to catch the eels.

Since the rain has stopped now let's go to catch the eels.

All, boy please stand still don't fall into muddy field.

Since the rain has stopped now let's go to catch the eels.

Yelling to all my friends gather around the field,

Inside the muddy field hiding many eels.

Wait for you everyday just to catch the eels.

Since the rain has stopped now let's go to catch the eels.

All, boy please stand still don't fall into muddy field.

Since the rain has stopped now let's go to catch the eels.

樱桃丸子 发表评论于
This is such a hilarious song. Thanks for sharing.