走遍美国(20-1): Family Album USA, Ⅶ.Quality Time 黄金时间 (Act 1)

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Ⅶ. Quality Time 黄金时间 (Act 1)


Where's Mom? 妈妈呢
She went to a school-board meeting. 她去参加联合校董会会议议了
I don't know how she does it. 我不知道她怎麽办到的。
She sure keeps busy. 她真的是忙个不停。
It's important to her. 这对她来说很重要。
There are lots of places to go, 有很多地方要去
lots of things to do. 许多事情要做。
She can't sit around and do nothing. 她总不能闲坐著无所事事事呀
Philip works late. Philip工作到很晚。
I guess you're right. 我想你说得对。
I wish I had her energy. 我希望我有她那样的精力力
Anybody home? 有人在家吗
We're in here, Dad. 我们在 面 爸爸。
Oh. Hi, gang. 噢。嗨 你们好。
Hello, Philip. 哈 Philip。
How was your day? 今天好吗
My day was just fine. 这一天还好。
So was my night. 晚上也还不错。
It's almost ten o'clock. 现在已经快十点钟了。
Mmm. I'm starving. 嗯 我饿坏了。
Um ... where's Mom? 唔……妈妈呢
She went to a school-board meeting. 她去参加联合校董会的会会议
There's a note for you on the refrigerator. 冰箱上有她留给你的字条条
Oh? 噢
Did you have dinner, Robbie? 你吃晚餐了吗 Robbie
Yeah. 吃了。
Mike and I had a hamburger at the diner. Mike和我在火车厢餐厅那那 吃了 罕ぁ
I came home a little while ago. 我也是刚刚到家。
You've been working late 你一直工作到很晚
almost every night this week, Dad. 几乎这个星期的每天晚上上都如此 爸爸
Aren't you exhausted? 你不会精疲力尽吗
I don't have time to be exhausted. 我没有时间去精疲力尽。
You and Mom haven't had dinner together with us 你和妈妈没有和我们一起起吃晚
in almost a full week. 差不多有一整个星期了。
Yeah, 是啊。
I feel bad 我觉得很不安
about us not having dinner with the family, 对於我们无法与全家人共共进晚餐一
but our schedules are so different. 但我们的工作时间实在差差太多了
Either I'm at the hospital doing paperwork, 不是我在医院办公事
or Mom is at a committee meeting. 就是妈妈参加小组会议。
I frankly don't know what to do about it. 我真不知道该怎麽解决。
I'm worried about you and Mom. 我很担心你和妈妈。
You really have been working too hard. 你们确实太忙了。
Well, 好啦
I think I've had enough of that sandwich. 我想我已经吃够了三明治治
You didn't finish it. 你没有吃完它。
It's not good to eat before going to bed. 在上床前吃太多不好。
A cookie can't hurt, though. 但一片小甜饼不要紧。
Well, 好啦
I'm heading off for bed 我先去睡觉了
and a good night's sleep. 睡一个好觉。
Well, good night. 好吧 晚安。
Good night, Son. 晚安 儿子。
Good night, Dad. 晚安 爸爸。
I'm going to bed. 我去睡觉了。
Good night, Philip. 晚安 Philip。
Haven't you finished balancing that checkbook? 你还没有核对完支票簿帐帐目
I found another mistake. 我又发现一个错误。
I'll be off to bed myself in a minute. 我再过一会也要上床睡觉觉了
OK. Good night. 好 晚安。
I'm really concerned about them, 我真的为他们担心
Grandpa. 爷爷。
Concerned about whom? 为谁担心
About Mom and Dad. 爸爸和妈妈。
They hardly ever see each other. 他们几乎彼此不碰头。
Dad often works late, 爸爸老是工作到很晚
and Mom has all these committees she's on. 妈妈又有那麽多的小组会会议要开
What do you propose to do about it? 那你建议要怎麽办
You have that look in your eye. 你看起来好像有了主意似似的
I don't know, 我不知道
but there must be a way 但总该有一个办法
of getting them to spend more time together. 能让他们有更多时间相处处
Quality time. 高品质时光。

I got home late
after working all day.
I was hoping to find you,
but you were away.
You left me some dinner,
something to eat,
but I won't be waiting up,
'cause I've got to get to sleep.
I'm going to get home late
after working all day.
I know you'll be home,
but I'll miss you anyway.
I hope you find my note
and have something to eat.
I really want to see you,
but you'll be asleep.
We never seem to have any fun
like we had before.
We're working too hard,
and I never get to see you anymore.
We have to make time for each other.
We owe it to ourselves and one another.
So why don't we do it?
What do you say?
Let's make some changes.
We could start today.
We need some quality time
... together.
... together.
What we need is quality time.
Oh, yeah!
We need to talk to each other,
laugh with each other.
Let's get together, you and me.
With quality time,
we'll enjoy each other's company.
You're working long hours,
and you're never at home.
Sometimes it seems
you're just a voice on the phone.
And when you call,
You say you'll be home late.
You're always missing dinner
'cause it just can't wait.
My job keeps me busy,
and I know you're busy, too.
I really want to spend
"more" time with you.
I'm getting up early,
and I'm coming home late.
If I want to see you,
I've got to make a special date.
We need some quality time
... together.
What we need is quality time.
Oh, yeah!
We need to talk to each other,
laugh with each other.
Let's get together ... 

