博士第一天留言:I really like your type of women. It would be very exciting to have have sex with you.Honey,Whenever i think of you, my cock becomes hard. I wish i could meet with you. I'm a doctoral student in the US. Where are you? I used to be ashamed of my strong sexual desire, but then I realized
that it's not something shameful. We should enjoy it. Missing you!
博女答言1:I'm a director of PHDs, so it's not the one that you are looking for.
博士第二天留言:What type of person are you looking for? Why am i not good for you?
博士第三天留言:So you think I'm not eligible to be your partner because you have a higher social status? When it comes to sex, there is no boundary in terms of race, status, profession, and so on
地点:宿舍 OR 汽车旅馆 OR 车后座
博士或许能将就,博女怕不能屈尊呐,STATUS MATTERS!抱歉啊
博士第四天留言:Sounds like a bitch, Shameless bitch!