Star Scopes (4/10/09~4/16/09)
Author: James Tucker
Aries-March 21-April 19
Your greatest virtue is your positive upbeat attitude. You give the rest of us hope. Maybe that is why you were chosen to be the leader of the zodiac pack. It’s your time now, and the rest of us wish you life’s greatest blessings. May the coming year bring joy, love, hope and fruitfulness beyond your greatest dreams.
Taurus-April 20-May 20
You know you are moving in the right direction when you hear and feel warm regards coming from your friends and associates. Be sure to say thank you when they come. With al this new-found joy, the heart is motivated to spread it around to others in your widening circle of life. This is a positive and abundant way to live. Keep it up.
Gemini-May 21-June 21
Much good is coming your way. You are using your many talents. Your heart is strong. Your main desires are ready to give birth, bloom and become fruitful. Continue to follow your first impressions. They are the truest and best. Just surrender your will and be patient. Then red the signs and help the abundance grow. It’s that simple.
Cancer-June 22-July 22
As you move into new territory, you gain new strength. You are like a spiritual pioneer. You would have thrived out west in the old days. Why? Because you refuse to let anything keep you down for long. You get back up and keep on keeping on. This tenacity is what makes you a winner and strong proponent of good family values.
Leo-July 2 3-Aug. 22
There is a lot of new learning at hand. A visionary like you sees the direction, plots the course and moves the energy forward. Changes occurring at this time are signs of new and better things ahead. How you handle the expansion has everything to do with how the future unfolds. It all looks bright to me.
Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Have you learned to say no when you don’t want to do certain things that sidetrack you or burn you out? Stand up for your beliefs. Feed your spirit and keep it strong. Fix you first. Get an attitude. “This is my life, thank you. You can’t do that to me anymore.” Others may not like it, but they will respect you. Try it, you may like it.
Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Stay true to yourself, but continue to be aware of others around you with needs. Your spirit is strong. Your heart is open. Your mind is sharp. You have all the tools it takes to lead a high-quality life. It’s all about the choices you make. Making wise ones is one of your greatest gifts and most important missions on earth at this time.
Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21
It’s hard to say no to a heart directed Scorpio. You were given the job of passion in the zodiac. Some of the greatest leaders in history were Scorpios who had the power to raise the spirit in people in different lands and inspire them to make changes and find new, better and happier ways of life. You were born for greatness.
Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Sometimes, even you may wonder where you get the energy to keep going when life tries to pile more and more on you. The answer lies in your ability to transcend the lower nature and stay strong in spirit. You have built-in radar that will continue to steer you in the right direction. But you have to continue to be listening.
Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19
There is a lot of important work ahead. Release any old doubt, fear or indecision. Be decisive. Your strong spirit will continue to guide you through any un-chartered waters of life. Your good heart and spirit will continue to see you safely through the turbulent times. Just remember that behind the clouds, the sun still shines.
Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18
You love what you do, so the financial rewards will always flow back to you multiplied. Take an inventory of your life. Make a chart and keep the most important things first. When the world wants to pull you sideways it is the priority list that pulls you back. You know what you want. Now, make it happen.
Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20
The key to victory is to keep defining and refining your goals and aspirations. When a certain plan doesn’t flow, it is a sign that adjustments are needed. Don’t look at your work as who you are. Put your spiritual goals first, you own and family second, then the world. This is the formula of champions. You are a champion.