ER季节已经开始,各大权重股将依次报告业绩。预计SP 500强盈利连跌7个季 度,为大萧条以来所仅见。本周的ER重头戏由 General Electric, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs 和JP Morgan领唱,大家要见微知著,观察市场反应。另外, 周二要注意data release on March producer prices and retail sales。周三要注意 CPI,industrial production data for March, 以及New York manufacturing survey and housing market index for April.
长周末里,O8又发表讲话,宣称美经济“starting to see progress toward recovery” 。 而且三月份government-backed loans to small business增长了20%。我希望这一 回人们能够接受上一次的教训。Obviously the government is finally committed to preventing the market from breaking new lows in order to protect the financial system。记得O8在三月初之前鼓励入市买股票的时候,怀疑嘲讽的声音无疑是 主流大多数。再看看现在,真是形势比人强,连大熊Jim Rogers都认了输,说 “When you see a RALLY like this coming off the bottom, it lasts longer than anybody expects,” however,“I would expect to see more problems, probably this fall”。Maybe Rogers is right on it, but this rally could continue until some really bad things happening,like the commercial real estate bubble breaks etc etc 。。。
亚洲市场这几天也是鸡血连连。日本方面推出巨大的economy stimulus plan, 将total spending 累计到了 25 trillion yen,其中有1.6 trillion yen investment in low-carbon technology,大概也包含了对太阳能利用的财政鼓励(利好)。
Well,just keep it in mind that a million $ could be made either way。。。 所以,万一俺说反了,欢迎砸砖,保证打不还鸡,骂不还鸭。
无可置疑的是,You can never figure the behavior of the market,it defies logic. After all, the market is always right。YMYD。。。
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