苏珊鲍伊(Susan Boyle)天籁般的歌声,视频在线观看、下载!

       今年年近47岁的失业妇人苏珊鲍伊(Susan Boyle)虽然没有出色的外貌,但却拥有天籁般的歌声,她在英国选秀节目“Britain’s Got Talent”的演出征服了全英国人的心,苏珊鲍伊堪称是英国电视史上最传奇的大婶了。

    今年47岁、自称单身(跟一只猫同居)、从没交过男友的苏珊鲍伊 由于的长像不出众,再加上顶着一头邋遢乱发参加选秀节目,连评审都没给她好脸色。

  身材胖胖的苏珊出场时还显得有点紧张,当她说梦想是当一个职业歌唱家时,随即引来全场的侧目及嘲笑声,甚至当她说要演唱著名舞台剧悲惨世界中的《我梦到往日的一个梦》“I Dreamed a Dream”时,主持人及观众们都表现出不相信的样子。




“Britain’s Got Talent”这个节目今年是第三届了,第一届红了保罗帕兹(Paul Potts),如今苏珊鲍伊以她的歌声征服了全英国人的心,让原本抱着看她笑话的人,完全改观,苏珊鲍伊堪称是英国电视史上,最传奇的大婶了。

这里有高质量FLV 格式视频下载(9.74MB):http://freegetting.com/download/susan-1.flv

全场激动情景FLV 格式视频下载(1.91MB):http://freegetting.com/download/susan-2.flv

如果你没有 FLV 播放器,请到http://freegetting.com/ 下载免费的Applian FLV Player 2.0.25


 I dreamed a dream in time gone by,

When hope was high and life, worth living.

I dreamed that love would never die,

I dreamed that God would be forgiving.

Then I was young and unafraid,

And dreams were made and used and wasted.

There was no ransom to be paid,

No song unsung, no wine, untasted.


But the tigers come at night,

With their voices soft as thunder,

As they tear your hope apart,

And they turn your dream to shame.


And still I dream he'll come to me,

That we will live the years together,

But there are dreams that cannot be,

And there are storms we cannot weather!


I had a dream my life would be

So different from this hell I'm living,

So different now from what it seemed...

Now life has killed the dream I dreamed...
