拍了一张自我感觉良好的照片,准备到NIKHIL那里显摆一下。一看到他的照片,我就泄气了。就像他说的,“你的照片嘛,拍得好看,全部是你的相机的功劳。” 我郁闷了。。。
I have been to Bangalore for work for a few times but spent most of my time in the office and restaurants. This time, Nikhil took me out to shoot the beautiful flowers in Bangalore.
When Nikhil joined the team, I assumed he were one of those boring support guys. The truth is that he turned out to be 180 degree opposite to what I assumed.
When he told us that he likes concerts of heavy metals during his first team meeting, I noticed that the jaws of a few of us almost dropped to the floor. I mean, how it could be? Support guy, heavy metals?!No connection what-so-ever at all!
My coworkers, Nikhil, Ashok and Thomas, are a bunch of fun people. They said they could never be too serious with me and like to tease me a lot. Anyway, I don't care what they do, as long as Ashok delivers the coding I want. :)
Nikhil and I initially planned to shoot pictures of wild life in the juggles. Here is some typical teases among us...
Marsha:"Nikhil, where are we going to stay, if we go to the jungles?"
Ashok:"Under a tree?"
Marsha:"Ah...!@&$#%, ?!?!"
Nikhil:"Oh, we can stay in my car and keep the window open, so that the tiger may come over and say hi to us."
Marsha:"Ah...!@&$#%, !@&$#%, ?!?!"
Ashok:"Marsha, you'd better finish up your work before you go. So even if the tiger eats you for dinner, the development work won't get delayed."
Thomas:"Marsha, you should give Ashok your computer before you go..."
Nikhil:"Marsha, don't worry. Indian Tiger does not like Chinese food."
Ashok:"Maybe the tiger wants to have Chinese for appetizer for a change this time. But, Marsha, don't worry. You are too lean for the tiger. The tiger might eat Nikhil first."
Marsha:"Ah...!@&$#%, !@&$#%,!@&$#%, ?!?!"
Nikhil and I were taking pictures of the same flower. I took a look at mine and felt it was pretty decent.
Marsha(showing my picture to him):"Nikhil, Hey, this one looks pretty good. What do you think?"
Nikhil (glanced at it for a second):"Let me show you what I got. Now I can really make you feel bad..."
God said:"Don't judge a person from the looks." I guess sometimes, God can be right. Nikhil is one of those guys who look nice but are evil deep inside. :)
On a serious notes, the Canon 40D does have very vivid color of the flowers.
Just like Nikhil said - My pictures depend 90% on the quality of the Canon 40D, 10% on my own composition.