
Dear Mother Earth

Dear Mother Earth,

    Everyday for the last four billion years you have lifted us with your strong arms. Safely in your arms lay acres and acres of treasures. From the dense Amazon Forest filled with millions of animals to the Nile River lined with pyramids and sand.

    But that's not all you hold, the Great Wall of China looming over villages, the Statue of Liberty holding her famous torch welcoming immigrants from all over the world. See, we humans have decorated you even more ,with the most unique things for over hundreds of years.

    Ahh, there's one thing that you behold that none of your planet friends dare to have. Life, the thing that made us all, brimming full of wonders from the L to the E is the word, life. The word life, filled entirely of the most amazing things, swinging giant apes and tail-flapping dolphins are just two tiny examples compared to the millions and millions of life forms you hold.

      I want to jump into the puddles after the rain splashing your rain drops everywhere. I want to wave my arms in the wind , conducting those graceful winds.

All the things you gave us, the environment made a beautiful place .

      Scientists say that  underneath you, lay hot boiling magma rock, but I think you have something else deep, deep inside you. A small glimmering light, burning with hope and glistening with life.

     You are a small fragile planet, like a marble swirled with blue and green. We will help you reach your most beautiful self, for we love you, Mother Earth.



YMXM7 发表评论于
回复Bin123的评论:Thank you!
Bin123 发表评论于
it is full of imagination and Structure and colorful words are also impressive.

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