在这个以财富衡量成功的年代,大概没有什么比一个普通人突然焕发出的巨大魅力更令人震惊的事了。Susan Boyle,一个生活在英国小镇的47岁的独身女人,张得普通得有点乏味,一辈子没有男人找她约会,也没有男人吻过她,她没有正式工作,在教堂做义工,跟一只猫生活在一起。就是这样一个普通得无法再普通的英国大婶,5天前,4月11日,在英国选秀节目Britain's Got Talent中,一鸣惊人,以天籁般的歌声打动了全场,无数人听了她的歌为之落泪。当她走上舞台的时候,一身邋遢的打扮毫不起眼。Simon Cowell是个出名刻薄的裁判,他一脸不屑地问Susan她的理想是什么,Susan说她想成为Elaine Paige一样的名歌手,Simon露出近乎鄙夷的神色。不料这位大婶刚开口唱了第一句歌词,全场惊呆,随之欢呼和掌声雷动,惊呼一个奇迹的诞生。
我是第二天早上才知道这个事的。在办公室里跟往常一样打开电脑,看到CNN Headline News,标题就叫Never-kissed woman wows Cowell, became YouTube sensation. 随即上YouTube便看到了长达7分钟的录像,内心的感受只能用震撼来形容。且不说裁判和观众前后反应的巨大对比,这位英国大婶的歌声实在是动人。很有意思的是,她选的歌是歌剧Les Miserables里面的I Dreamed a Dream. 这支略显悲怆的歌,不知道是不是这位生活在社会底层的大婶的内心写照。然而她把这首歌演绎得实在是太好了,怎么听着都象是个super star。
生活中,名车豪宅的事确实很刺激,吸引了我们很多眼光,只是我们好像忽视了培养自己的内心世界,或者更多地关心对方的内心世界。我们是凡人,凡人的生活是点点滴滴的东西组成的。买辆Aston Martin是很爽,但替代不了美丽的心灵,真诚的关怀,和善良的人性在瞬间焕发出的耀眼光华。看到英国大婶的成功一瞬,真的是在提醒我们,一个人的内涵才是最有力量的。在我们身边的普通人中,也许就有那个我们一直在寻找的那个Mr/Miss Right呢,只是...我们用了多少眼光在关注他/她的内涵?
在这里把I Dreamed A Dream的歌词列在下面。不为别的,只为歌词里那一点淡淡的对年少无知的时光的怀念:
I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted
But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
And they turn your dream to shame
He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came
And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather
I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.